Minecraft Obfuscated Source Code

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When a player first started online, they would begin on the 'Outbreak' scenario and progress from there. Once players connected and logged in, they would choose between Free Mode and Scenario Mode. Free Mode took place in a lobby and allowed players to create their own games, scenarios, and difficulty level. Scenario Mode would choose the scenario and players automatically. Resident evil outbreak on pc.

  1. Minecraft Obfuscated Source Code 1

I'm interested in browsing the Minecraft source code and see its classes - especially the code controlling the creeper. Is there a way to do that? Maybe open the minecraft.jar file and peek inside?


Obfuscation encrypts the source code and removes some unnecessary information from the assembly metadata when it deems that it is safe to do so, thus making the assembly more difficult to understand or read after it is decompiled. The assembly metadata and manifest are used by the dissemblers to decompile them and get the original source code. When you download Minecraft, you get its code, obfuscated and then compiled to Java bytecode. This is technically readable if one simply decompresses the game files, but understanding raw bytecode is very difficult. If you download the Forge MDK a.

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Griffin W.Griffin W.
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3 Answers

JAR files are simply ZIP files, so you should be able to open them with the archiving tool of your choice. Even Windows Explorer will open them if you change the file extension to .zip.

However, looking at the source isn't as easy as just unpacking the archive. It only contains the compiled .class files, and even if you do get your hands on a JVM byte code decompiler, it's obfuscated and spread out over hundreds of files.

You might want to have a look at MCP (Mod Coder Pack, formerly Minecraft Coder Pack), though. It's a community project that decompiles and (mostly) de-obfuscates the Minecraft sources to aid modders.

23.8k21 gold badges110 silver badges179 bronze badges
a cata cat
22.1k25 gold badges141 silver badges182 bronze badges

There's a way to do this; in fact, this way as well allows you to edit the code and.. make your own mods! It's called MCP (Minecraft Coders' Pack), and is a bit of a complicated setup, but it is how nearly all Minecraft mods are made. Check out a video I made on YouTube on setting up and installing it:

Daniel BezdenDaniel Bezden

Interestingly enough, mention of source code release comes straight from the minecraft website.

'Once sales start dying and a minimum time has passed, I will release the game source code as some kind of open source. I'm not very happy with the draconian nature of (L)GPL, nor do I believe the other licenses have much merit other than to boost the egos of the original authors, so I might just possibly release it all as public domain.'


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