Remnants Bunker New Vegas
How do you get into the remnants bunker?, Fallout: New Vegas Questions and answers, Xbox 360.
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This is a partial character sheet for the Video GameFallout: New Vegas. Visit here for the main character index. Subjective trope and audience reactions should go on the YMMV page.
The Boomers
A technologically advanced tribe originated from a group of emigrants from Vault 34, a vault in which the armory was overstocked and cannot be locked. They left after the Overseer attempted to implement gun control laws. They are currently living in Nellis Air Force Base to the northeast of Vegas and have developed a culture based around the use of weapons. The Boomer are very xenophobic and use artillery to blow up all outsiders that tries to approach their camp.
- Ace Pilot: Due to them having access to aerial combat computer simulations at the base, they are one of only two minor factions (the other being the Enclave Remnants) that have access to air power.
- Bad Ass Army: While they aren't as actively militant as the NCR or Legion, they certainly count as this. After the rebellion in the vault, they left into the wasteland and came under repeated attacks by raiders. Thanks to their heavy firepower, they had a kill ratio of over 40 to 1. And that's before they moved into Nellis air force base.
- Badass Bystander:
- All of their members are armed with explosive weapons. You'll occasionally see a Fat Man on a farmer. It is not a good idea to turn them hostile against you.
- Also describes the faction as a whole. They've remained separated from the NCR/Legion/Mr. House battle for the Mojave because they've blown up anybody that's tried to approach them, no matter what they had to offer. In many of the endings, should the Courier complete their faction quest, the Boomers will still be left alone out of respect or fear.
- Blood Knight: An entire faction of them. Their culture is dedicated towards the use of weapons and many of them cannot wait to go to fight in an actual battle.
- Crazy Survivalists: Justified by a belief that outside humans are nothing but savages, but they can be convinced to change their view.
- Death from Above: If you managed to help them recover the B-29 bomber and convince them to help in the battle, they will use the bomber to carpet bomb either Caesar's Legion or the NCR positions as you advance during the final battle at Hoover Dam
- Defector from Decadence: In their opinion, at least. The truth is more complicated. They left the vault because the Overseer attempted to restrict the use of the huge stockpile of firearms in the Vault. Specifically, while they were allowed to shoot as much as they wanted in the gunnery range (the restrictions on access to guns came much later, after the Boomers had been gone for a long, long time), the Overseer stopped them from 'exploding' even small bombs.
- Establishing Character Moment: According to Pete, the first thing they did after leaving Vault 34 was to use grenades and flamethrowers against savages wielding knives.
- Fantastic Racism: Towards all non-Boomers, who they refer to as 'Savages'. The Courier can eventually earn enough favor to be referred to as 'Outsider', but even then, it's usually a Last-Second Word Swap.
- Foil:
- To the Brotherhood of Steel. Like the Brotherhood, the Boomers are isolationist tech fanatics who don't trust outsiders. However, their prejudice is justified: they were set upon by violent tribals after they emerged from the Vault, and their subsequent lack of contact (other than through a ten-gun salute) hasn't helped change this mindset. Even then, a lot of them have come to realize that their isolation cannot last forever, especially given the supply and maintenance problems that they're starting to have. By contrast, the Brotherhood has never been preoccupied with threats to its existence, and has completely failed to realize that the world has changed. Rather than try a different approach to stave off their decline, they instead cling to the teachings of their codex ever more tightly, in hopes that their adherence to dogma will eventually turn things around. That being said, the connection is very much apparent, as lampshaded by Veronica:
'A bunch of shut-ins who scorn outsiders and hold technology over them. Gee, where have I heard that one before?'- At the end of Lonesome Road, which ending you choose leads to a better reputation from different factions in the Mojave. The Brotherhood and the Boomers have exactly the opposite prerequisites: Not launching the nukes gains you Brotherhood respect while nuking both the Long 15 and Dry Wells gains you Boomer respect.
- They're also one to Arroyo from Fallout 2. Like the Vault 13 dissidents who went with the Vault Dweller, the Vault 34 ones desired to be free of their Overseer's oppressive rule. But unlike the former, whose settlement became a Tribal village, the latter opt to use an intact Air Force base as their community and retain a lot of their know-how and love for ordinance. As a result making themselves unique among most Tribals in being technologically advanced, if very xenophobic.
- Gun Nut: Their main hat is a love of firearms due to coming from a vault with an overstocked armory. Their respect for weapons is the reason why you're allowed to carry your weapons openly in their territory.
- Having a Blast: They primarily use explosive weaponry such as Grenade Rifles or Rocket Launchers.
- Hidden Elf Village: In a manner of speaking. While the village isn't 'hidden', the Boomers are isolationist and disinterested in whatever happens beyond the airbase, bomb all potential visitors with artillery, and refer to all non-Boomers, the Courier included, as 'savages'.
- I Know Mortal Kombat: They learned to fly planes after they found VR airflight simulators in their base.
- Mad Bomber: They fire artillery at anyone that dare to get too close to their base. Nuking things gains you approval with them.
- Meaningful Name: With a touch of irony. Obviously, the Boomers are known for making things explode, but they also came from a vault that was experiencing a significant population surge.
- Properly Paranoid:
- They bomb anyone that comes close to their settlement, knowing what's out in the wasteland, their not entirely wrong.
- Their initially untrusting and weary attitude towards you is ultimately proven right if you choose to kill them instead of allying with or ignoring them.
- This Means War!: According to the backstory, after repeated attempts to make contact failed, the NCR tried to cut off the Boomers' water supply from Lake Mead. The Boomers responded in just the way you'd expect.The NCR promptly turned the water back on.
- Throw Down the Bomblet: What did you expect from a group whose members are all armed with grenade launchers and bazookas?
- Undying Loyalty: To the Courier, if the B-29 is raised. They promise to support you specifically rather than any of the factions.
- Veganopia: The Boomers evidently subsist on a vegan diet, growing soy and legumes for protein. They are also one of the more militaristic factions in the game.
- Worthy Opponent: While the Boomers typically shoot approaching 'savages' on sight, after the Courier braves the veritable Death Course that lies in front of their gates, dodging constant mortar fire the entire way, the Boomers are so taken aback by your display of insanetenacity, they decide it's worth hearing what you have to say.
- You Are a Credit to Your Race: They are very impressed with a Sav—Outsider like the Courier. Dodging the bombardment to their base, helping many of their members, learning about their history (with several different checks to really impress Pete), and at last making their long-held dream come true.
Mother Pearl
Voiced by: Marianne MuellerleileThe leader of the Boomers. Unlike her people, Mother Pearl is interested in forging limited ties with Outsiders, believing that the Boomers' future survival will depend on it.
- I Was Quite a Looker: Pearl◊, if the art on the side of their B-29 is anything to go by.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: In spades. She lets you in after you manage to survive the artillery assault and asks you to help her fellow Boomers out so they can get used to the idea not all outsiders are assholes. Her reasons for this include a realization that (A) they can't be xenophobes forever and (B) she wants to show her followers that they should trust other people, because one day it'll be inevitable.
- Third-Person Person: Sometimes refers to herself in third person.
- Wasteland Elder: She is one of the original Boomers who left Vault 34 and has capably led her tribe for many years, becoming wiser and more forward-thinking than the others.
Loyal is an elderly repairman who keeps the Nellis Air Force Base up and running. About completing a few odd jobs for him he'll tell the Courier about his dream of raising an old pre-war combat plane out of Lake Mead and restoring it to its former glory.
- Cool Old Guy: He's quick to warm up to the Courier and shows them some respect once they prove their worth by helping out around Nellis.
- Mr. Fixit: He handles most of the repair jobs around the base with Jack helping out as his assistant. Oddly enough, Repair isn't one of his tagged skills.
- The Smart Guy: He handles most of the technology and repair oriented jobs around Nellis and has Barter, Lockpicking and Science as his tagged skills, each of which is very high.
Jack is Loyal's young apprentice. But in secret, he spends his time looking across the bombarded no man's land outside of Nellis, to a beautiful red-headed caravan worker, who can only look back at him from a distance.
- Adorkable: Just look at his quote.
- Gadgeteer Genius: He's the one that builds the rebreather (with some help from The Courier), an instrumental tool in recovering the bomber, that allows The Courier to breath underwater
- Large Ham: If you get Janet killed:Jack: 'Oh, my sweet blameless Red! Curse the walls of Nellis! Curse our guns and isolation! Her blood is on our hands! Only if we stop shelling everyone who comes close will some good come from this tragedy. If you'll excuse me...'
- Mr. Fixit: Just like his teacher, Loyal.
- Star-Crossed Lovers: With Janet.
- Video Game Caring Potential: You can go out of your way to convince both Mother Pearl and Alice Mclafferty to allow Jack and Janet to be together. Or if you're feeling like a cruel bastard...
- Video Game Cruelty Potential: You can intentionally get Janet killed and break Jack's heart, by telling her she can go to Nellis, without telling Janet she needs to put on the Boomer Outfit the Boomer's gave you to give to her, so they know not shoot her.
Bright Brotherhood
A cult of ghouls (and one human convinced he's a ghoul) living in the REPCONN test facility who believe their destiny from God is to live on the Moon using the rocket ships in the facility.
- Ax-Crazy: Josh Sawyer's mod puts a large number of hostile members of the cult on the road from Nipton to Novac. Presumably, they were right on the edge of feral ghouldom and the Nightkin's attack gave them a chance to escape.
- Big Damn Heroes: For Novac, if their trip is successful.
- Chekhov's Gunman: Deceased Bright Followers are found in a few hidden corners throughout the southwest of the map. They usually have valuable early-game energy weapons. Without context, though, the player will have no idea who these dead ghouls in robes are. If you have Sawyer's mod installed, you can also meet a large group of crazed brotherhood members on the road to Novac; Unfortunately, they're equipped with the same weapons their dead brethren have.
- Crazy Survivalist: Harland, who manages to survive by himself against Nightkins by finding a good defensible position to snipe them, booby-trapping the surrounding area and living off on radroaches and condensation from pipes.
- Cult: A benevolent version. They just want to find a place where ghouls can be free from persecution from the humans.
- Cult Colony: They plan to use the REPCONN rockets to travel to their 'promised land'.
- Fantastic Racism: Subverted in that the group itself for the most part bears no ill will towards humans, with only Chris being rude to the player. In fact, Jason believes that the Courier and Chris are the Chosen Ones of their faith and in his final speech grants both you and Chris sainthood. They only plan to abandon Chris because humans can't survive the radiation at the launch site.
- Frickin' Laser Beams: They're all armed with laser guns. There's quite a lot of ash piles that used to be nightkin around their home base, and the dead Bright Followers you find in various hidden areas are usually a good source of energy weapons.
- Guttural Growler: Being ghouls, this is par for the course. Strangely averted by their leader, Jason Bright, who sounds as if he has a heavenly echo in the background. Chris Haversam also has this despite being the only non-ghoul of their group. Since he thinks he is a ghoul, though, he might be deliberately putting on the voice. Although he still keeps it up even if you convince him he's human.
- Hollywood Science: Just look at the designs of the rockets that they are planning to use.
- Irony: From a gameplay standpoint, Jason is a walking example of this by mere virtue of being a Glowing One, which is Always Chaotic Evil by gameplay terms. He's also ironic in another way, since his cult revolves around the concept of a ghoul only society finding true peace, but to do so his cult requires absolute trust in two humans and using human technology (which in and of itself was partially responsible for making people ghouls due to its radioactive nature) to achieve their ends.
- Ride of the Valkyries: Plays when they launch their rockets.
- Too Dumb to Live: Subverted, as their fate upon launching their rockets is left ambiguous despite the prospect of them succeeding going against all known logic. In fact, in the best endings for Novac they somehow manage to return in order to either help defend the town from the Legion, or evacuate the residents before the Legion can kill them.
Jason Bright
The founder and leader of the Bright Brotherhood and one of the few sentient glowing ghouls.
- I Did What I Had to Do: In order to make use of Chris' skills and unable to convince him that he's not a ghoul, Jason went along with pretending that he's one of them. Jason's also shown to be regretful for what he had to do in order to get the rockets operational, though he tries to make amends by immortalizing Chris (and the Courier) as saints.
- Good Shepherd: He cares about all ghouls, even the Feral ones, and his only motive really is to give them a land where they can all be happy.
- Insult Backfire: If you make fun of his name, he will be glad that you appreciate the significance.
- Meaningful Name: Which can be lampshaded by both you and Jason, since it was his name even before he became a Glowing One ghoul. He takes it as a sign that he has a higher calling that has been planned out for him.
Chris Haversam
A engineer from Vault 34, he fled the Vault after believing that he was becoming a ghoul. After joining the Bright Brotherhood, who failed to convince him that he was not a ghoul, he helped prepare their rockets for their journey to the moon.
- Guttural Growler: He speaks in the same raspy voice that most Ghouls do despite being human, meaning you don't find out about his identity until you meet him face to face.
- I Have Boobs, You Must Obey!: You need a fairly high Speech skill to convince Chris that he's not really a ghoul... or you could just have the Black Widow perk.
- Klingon Scientists Get No Respect: He grew up in Vault 34 (the same vault the Boomers came from) and was bullied for 'preferring machines that don't kill people' even through he was in charge of maintaining the vault reactor.
- Minor Injury Overreaction: He believed that his natural male-pattern baldness was a 100% indisputable sign that he was turning into a ghoul. Even a group of actual ghouls couldn't convince him otherwise.
- Properly Paranoid: A rather strange (and ironic) example. Formerly the engineer of Vault 34 who worked on the reactor, he left after his hair fell out due to natural reasons. He took it as evidence of his ghoulification. He becomes one of only a handful of non-Boomers to escape ghoulification, the other being a few survivors who are still trapped inside Vault 34.
- Then again, Chris leaving the vault might be precisely the reason why the reactor suffered a radiation leak that ghoulified everyone else inside the Vault, since the reactor technician was no longer around to keep an eye on it.
- Token Human: He is the only human in the Bright Brotherhood. Jason has stated that they have tried to tell Chis otherwise, but this just upset him and eventually they just let him believe what he wants.
- You Are What You Hate: He is incredibly bigoted towards humans despite the fact that he's a human himself, unbeknownst to him.
Harland is a mercenary hired by the Bright Brotherhood to help protect them while they make preparations for The 'Great Journey'. He was separated from the flock when the Nightkin arrived, and is encountered sitting in his kill-zone to ward off the nightkin.
- The Big Guy: He serves as this for the Bright Brotherhood. While most of them are no slouches in combat, he is armed far more heavily, and has managed to single-handedly ward off an entire horde of nightkin in their own section of the building.
- Crazy Survivalist: More emphasis on the survivalist, less on the crazy. He's survived on radroach meat for protein and condensation from the rusted pipes for water, and 'does his business' in a far corner of the room. That said, even after you've established yourself as a non-threat, he'll attack you if you manage to make it past his traps without finding out the fate of his female companion for him.
- Good Is Not Nice: He thinks Jason's teachings are complete nonsense, is only interested in the Bright Brotherhood for their women, but despite all this, he still has Good Karma.
- Insistent Terminology: If you say he's trapped, he's very quick to correct you, insisting that his kill-zone is a tactical choice. Then he says this:
- Not in This for Your Revolution: Is openly skeptical of Jason's teachings and proudly admits to simply being there because the 'ghoullettes' there are attractive to him.
- Tactical Withdrawal: He insists that his kill-zone is this, but then realizes that he's really just trapped.
- Token Good Teammate: Alongside Chris, he is the only member of the Bright Brotherhood to have Good Karma.
- Worthy Opponent: Davison admits that Harland is 'not squishy like the other ghouls.'
Brotherhood of Steel
An exclusive and isolationist order of technology collectors, originally founded by a group of deserters from the US military, which have their headquarters in the Lost Hill bunker of Southern California. Their great mastery of pre-war technology meant that the organization at one point had a tight grip on the entire Core Region. But their dismissive and overbearing attitude towards outsiders and closed structure, from which they once drew their strength, have since dwindled their numbers and influence considerably, and they are now far past their prime. Their ongoing war against the NCR, due to a major disagreement about ownership of pre-war tech, has not helped matters, having resulted in many defeats and only a few victories for the Brotherhood, which has cost them many of their strongholds and forced quite a few of their local detachments either on the run or deep underground. One of these is the Mojave chapter, which has taken refuge in an old government bunker, Hidden Valley, from which they desperately keep trying to carry out the duties described in their Codex and reestablish contact with the HQ.
- 0% Approval Rating: Every main faction in the game wants you to wipe out the Brotherhood, viewing them as a threat for one reason or another. You can either have the NCR form a peace treaty with them or tell Yes Man you want them left alone, but neither are particularly happy about this.
- Attack! Attack! Attack!: The Brotherhood decided that the NCR didn't deserve anything that used electricity, so they attacked them and got bogged down in a losing war. Then the chapter under Father Elijah was deployed to the Mojave, took Helios, and... ended up being slaughtered. They still haven't stopped hostilities by the time the game begins. Ramos and Hardin are at least tactically savvy enough to know that Elijah made an absolutely terrible call.
- Can't Catch Up: In the era of the earlier Fallout games, the BoS' access to Pre-War tech made them the undisputed most powerful faction in the Wasteland, second only to the Enclave, given that they had power armor, energy weapons, and military-grade heavy weaponry while everyone else was still living in huts and fighting with jury-rigged guns and armor. By the time of New Vegas, Pre-War tech (including energy weapons, robotics, and computers) have spread significantly and is now available to a wide variety of factions, most notably the NCR, and while the Brotherhood still has a very slight tech edge (maintaining a near-monopoly on Power Armor and having access to a very wide variety of energy weapons) they haven't managed to advance at all since the old days and overall have since been eclipsed by NCR as the Wasteland's dominant faction. It doesn't help that New Vegas survived the Great War relatively intact due to House's preparations, meaning that there was an abundance of Pre-War tech to scavenge, compared to the Core regions and the East Coast. As a result of this Low Culture, High Tech environment, their over-reliance on technological superiority simply doesn't cut it in the Mojave.
- Creative Sterility: One of the major problems they're running into is they've basically run out of ideas, which is going to happen when you live in a hole in the ground for decades. Veronica and the former Elder (who went nuts trying to activate the Helios station and got half his men killed in the process) are about the only ones trying to get the Brotherhood out of this slump.
- Death by Irony: Other than just shooting up Hidden Valley, there are two ways other ways that you can wipe out the Brotherhood. The first is by reseting the targeting data of the lasers security turrets at the first floor, killing everyone caught outside. The second is by making the bunker's reactor overload in a self-destruct sequence. This is extra ironic when you think about the Brotherhood's views on technology and how you just turned it against them.
- Earn Your Happy Ending: The only ending they get that isn't a downer (either for them or because of them) is if the Courier makes a treaty between them and the NCR and then sides with the NCR at Hoover Dam. Otherwise, they either become high-tech raiders or get wiped out for good.
- Elaborate Underground Base: Hidden Valley is a combination of barracks, armory, and fallout shelter, and has a convenient sandstorm generator to mask their comings and goings.
- Enemy Mine: If you have McNamara as the Elder, he'll accept an alliance with the NCR before the battle of Hoover Dam, leading to the faction's and Veronica's best ending with an NCR victory and with Veronica being a Causeless Rebel.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Elijah's absolutely insane obsession with technology and disregard for the lives of his men shocked even them. They've since dispatched assassins after him.
- Failure Is the Only Option: To say the least, McNamara does not have very many good choices on his plate. If he continues to let things stay as they are, then the chapter will either die out, dissolve from infighting, or be discovered by outsiders who are unlikely to have an interest in the continued existence of the Brotherhood of Steel.
- Fantastic Racism: If you bring Lily to their bunker they'll threaten to 'Put it down'. Though not touched on much in the game Marcus's dialogue in Fallout 2 and the citizens of Underworld reveal they swear on oath to destroy all Super Mutants regardless of intelligence and shoot Ghouls on sight. Though McNamara does mention that he was willing to leave the super mutant community on Black Mountain alone while it was still under Marcus' leadership.
- Foil: To the Boomers and the Followers of the Apocalypse. And the Courier in the Good Karma Ending to Old World Blues, who becomes the benevolent new caretaker of the Big MT and chooses to release beneficial technology to the people of the Mojave on an as-needed basis.
- The Fundamentalist: Many of its members obsessively follow their codex to the letter, generally to their detriment.
- Gas Mask Mooks: It's part of the Power Armor.
- Heavily Armored Mook: They have pretty good technology, and that includes weapons.
- Hidden Elf Village: It's even called the Hidden Valley Bunker. Justified in that they're hiding because the majority of them died in the war with the NCR, less justified because, well, it was kind of their fault that happened...
- Honor Before Reason: The Brotherhood follow their codex to the letter, even when it means that they will eventually die out as a result. More along the lines of 'dogma before reason', as they're certainly not above cold-blooded murder if their codex dictates. This paints them as a staunchly conservative group to extremist levels willing to justify their ideals.
- Internal Affairs: The Circle of Steel group, under whom Christine is an operative.
- Jerkass: Most of them are xenophobic jerks who only care about the Brotherhood's well-being and have no interest in anything that isn't related to pre-war military technology.Veronica: Just because I love them, that doesn't mean some of them aren't assholes.
- Keeper of Forbidden Knowledge: What they do. Unlike most other examples, they've taken it too far, becoming obsessed with the technology they 'safeguard' and will probably never consider the Wasteland ready for the tech they've stockpiled.
- Kick the Dog:
- If you complete Veronica's side quest and convince her to leave the Brotherhood, she will try to join the Followers of the Apocalypse in one of their hospitals. The Followers will be happy to accept her but tell the two of you to return tomorrow. If you return 24 hours later, you will discovered that the BOS has massacred the entire hospital of unarmed doctors and even the patients to prevent Veronica from sharing her knowledge with them.
- And if Veronica stays? Once you leave their headquarters you get accosted by a group of Paladins who demand a fight because Veronica dared to question the mandates of the Codex and they think she's trying to 'poison' the mind of the Elder. Jeez.
- Veronica's dialogue also indicates that, as a consequence of the Brotherhood being too xenophobic to recruit outsiders and reliant on reproduction to keep their numbers up, the Brotherhood has turned rather homophobic. In the case of Veronica's former lover, this intolerance ended up causing her to leave the Brotherhood altogether, further reducing their numbers.
- If you decided to spare the Brotherhood in the Yes Man ending and had the rather bad idea of blowing up the Securitron army, the epilogue reveals that without the NCR or Mr. House to oppose them, the Brotherhood begin a campaign of open aggression on the New Vegas highways, attacking travelers that have in their possession technologies that the Brotherhood finds to be inappropriate. This happens even if you get them to sign a truce with the NCR first.
- Jumping Off the Slippery Slope: If Hardin replaced McNamara as Elder, than he quickly transforms the Mojave Chapter from a bunch of heavily armed isolationists into little more than a Raider tribe in power armor that the Courier will likely be forced to massacre. Inverted if McNamara stays in power, where they actually start a slow process of shaping up, but only if the NCR is around as a constant check on them.
- Knight Templar: Until either the Courier or Veronica show them their mistakes. Sadly, it still doesn't work. This only ends in the NCR ending (if you don't blow them up like Colonel Moore told you to) where they signed a truce with the NCR, who stay around to make it matter.
- Last Stand: The Mojave Wasteland Brotherhood of Steel was almost destroyed by the New California Republic's army at Helios One. Turns out all the combat training, Powered Armor, and high-techweaponry in the world isn't enough when you're virtually surrounded and outnumbered fifteen to one. If the Legion win the Battle of Hoover Dam and drive out the NCR, they take over the plant and make another last stand which sees them wiped out to a man.
- Machine Worship: They don't worship technology per se, but the degree to which they revere and pursue it really does border on religious mania at times.
- Not So Different:
- Veronica notes that they're quite like the Boomers, being xenophobic isolationists who hoard military tech.
- Parallels may also be drawn between them and the Followers of the Apocalypse; both gather technology and knowledge for the safety of mankind. The Followers, however, freely share what they have gathered for the benefit of the everyman, while the Brotherhood restricts it believing that it's knowledge that mankind must never have.
- Oddly Small Organization: Justified in that most of them are, well, dead.
- Power Armor: Standard issue among their members. While it does make them powerful, it can lead to Suicidal Overconfidence, since it doesn't make them invincible against the superior numbers of other factions.
- Protagonist Journey to Villain: The Brotherhood of Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 weren't without their flaws, but were ultimately a benevolent group, interested in protecting the wasteland from the Master's super mutants, researching and preserving pre-war technology, and their canonical ending in the first game states they would begin a slow reintegration of their advanced technology with the budding NCR. However, they let their inability to trust outsiders with technology poison their relations with them, causing them to go to war with NCR. By the time of New Vegas, their fugitive status from NCR and reduced numbers mean they're more isolationist and xenophobic than ever, seeing only to their own interests and preferring to hoarde what tech they have now rather than innovate or look for other sites of interest. In certain endings the Brotherhood degenerates even further, becoming little more than glorified Raiders who shakedown caravans and travelers for any technology they have the Brotherhood has decided they want.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Paladin Ramos, the head of security. If you tell him about two young members of the Brotherhood sneaking out to go hunting, he reveals that he was watching them the whole time, but nothing bad happened so he let it be.
- The Remnant: The Brotherhood was already a Remnant to begin with, being descended from a group of US Army soldiers who mutinied around the time of the Great War, but the group you encounter in the Mojave takes it a step further, being a remnant of this remnant — they're the survivors of the last battle of the NCR/Brotherhood war. As they've had no contact from any other Brotherhood bases, they may as well be the only members of the faction left west of the Mississippi as far as they are concerned.
- Serious Business: To them, their codex is serious business. Progressive members are prone to getting flat out murdered by the regressive members for even thinking about something that doesn't follow the codex to the letter.
- Skilled, but Naïve: An unusual case, given the fact that the Brotherhood of Steel is one of the oldest factions still in existence. Although their military training and technological expertise is almost unmatched, their closed-mindedness is making them increasingly out-of-touch with reality. This in turn has led to increasingly poor judgment which, among other astoundingly bad decisions, is directly responsible for the disastrous operation at HELIOS One and the decline of the Brotherhood's power in the West.
- Smug Snake: They won't hesitate to let you know how much better they are than you. They'll talk down to you and act like you and everybody else are idiots who shouldn't even be allowed to touch a laser pistol. Which then ties into...
- Suicidal Overconfidence: They think Power Armor and energy weapons will let them take on anything. It gets over half of the Mojave chapter killed when they try to hold HELIOS One (a tactically indefensible position) with just over a hundred paladins against a few thousand NCR troopers, and would have likely kept on trying to hold it if Elijah didn't ditch them, leading his replacement to make the sensible decision to withdraw. Later on, you find a couple of dead paladins scattered across the wasteland: it's likely that at least two of the patrols perished because they were trying to get their hands on advanced weapons technology, only to get cut down by a dozen heavily armed robots or pulverized by a direct hit from an artillery shell.
- Took a Level in Jerkass: The Brotherhood in past Fallout games weren't saints, but they were mostly heroic figures interested in protecting the wasteland from mutants, the Enclave, and raiders, and they were on friendly terms with civilian settlements. Here, the Brotherhood has been to war with NCR in the past, they'll snap a bomb collar on your neck to keep you from leaving their perimeter until you earn their trust, and they decide that anything that doesn't directly threaten them or the ideals of their Codex isn't their problem. A particularly zealous band of Paladins will kill a Followers of the Apocalypse camp in cold blood out of paranoia they might have been told some 'Brotherhood secrets'.
- Ungrateful Bastard: Even if you help them get back on their feet in the Wild Card ending, they will, without the watchful eye of the NCR to keep them in check, start to harass and even straight up rob caravans on the Long 15 who carries technology they deem inappropriate. Moreso if you replace McNamara with Hardin.
Fallout New Vegas Remnants Bunker
Elder Nolan McNamara
Leader of the Mojave chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel. Since fleeing to the safety of the Hidden Valley Bunker, he has kept the Brotherhood on lockdown to prevent any further casualties.
- Anti-Hero: He recognizes the group's flaws but works within the confines of the Codex to do the best he can to lead them, and he's open to peace negotiations with NCR.
- Dirty Coward: Hardin believes he has become one, being traumatized by the loss of so many members of the Brotherhood at Helios One. McNamara will admit to a certain truth in that accusation.McNamara: People called me a hero after what happened at HELIOS, but I left that battle scarred by fear, and have allowed that weakness to govern my actions.
- My Country, Right or Wrong: Despite knowing that the Brotherhood is likely going to crash and burn the way things are going he will not go against or bend the Codex, unlike Lyons in Fallout 3 who decided to disregard it.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: He genuinely cares about his fellow Brothers, and will even agree to a truce with the NCR since he thinks it's the best course of action for the Brotherhood and Mojave in general. Unfortunately, while he is on some level painfully aware the Codex is the reason why the Brotherhood is slowly burning out, he cannot bring himself to outright go against it. McNamara also avoided conflict with the Super Mutants of Black Mountain when they were led by Marcus, whereas most Brotherhood members would have wiped them out without a second thought.
- Tragic Villain: Knows that the road he's on will lead to the end of the Brotherhood, but he won't dare to go against the Codex.
- You Are in Command Now: After Elijah disappeared during the battle at Helios One, McNamara took over command of the remaining Brotherhood forces and successfully broke through the NCR lines. After that, he was officially appointed as Elder of the chapter.
Head Paladin Edgar Hardin
The head of the Mojave Chapter's military forces and second-in-command. He disagrees with staying on lockdown and is looking for an excuse to replace McNamara as Elder.
- Anti-Mutiny: Decides to overthrow McNamara, believing he has secluded the Brotherhood out of fear and is allowing it to die a slow death hidden underground. He plans on doing this by finding evidence that McNamara is unfit for command in order to depose him. If you help him succeed he simply demotes McNamara rather than killing him.
- Anti-Villain: He is more on the 'villain' side than McNamara, being entirely devoted to the Codex and unwilling to negotiate, but everything he does he believes is for the good of the Brotherhood and the world.
- Kick the Son of a Bitch: If you help him take over the Brotherhood of Steel, he'll then ask you to kill the Van Graffs, who are easily one of the most evil factions in the game.
- Number Two: Serves as McNamara's right-hand.
- Pet the Dog: Taught Veronica how to box after all the other Paladins refused to teach her. Hardin also makes sure to kill no one in his coup, including McNamara, simply demoting him to Knight and putting him to work, knowing that he had been traumatized by Helios One.
Arcade Gannon

Enclave Remnants
With the loss of its bases at the Oil Rig, Navarro and Raven Rock, the Enclave is little more than a bad memory, its surviving members either in hiding or attempting to integrate into the new world. Six such men and women have settled in the Mojave Wasteland and have tried to put their past behind them... but they might be convinced to take up arms once more and decide the fate of their new home, for auld lang syne.
- Ace Pilot: Daisy Whitman.
- Badass Bookworm/Combat Medic: Doctor Henry and Arcade Gannon.
- Badass Grandpa: An entire Badass Crew of them. It has been decades since the Enclave's defeat and the survivors have all grown old. They can still be persuaded to go for one last hurrah at the Battle of Hoover Dam and kick the ass of your choosing.
- If Caesar's Legion wins the Battle of Hoover Dam and Legate Lanius is in charge, he issues an order to hunt down and kill the Enclave Remnants. It's heavily implied if not outright stated that the Remnants fight off hundreds of Legion troops with no losses.
- Big Damn Heroes: At the Battle of Hoover Dam, after you emerge from the Western Tower, you get Zerg Rushed by the Elite Mooks of whichever side you're fighting against. Unless you recruited the Remnants to fight for you, that is, in which case they literally drop out of the sky and curb-stomp the mooks almost before you realize they were there.
- Blood Knight: The only ones who care which side they fight for at Hoover Dam are Johnson and Moreno. The others are only interested in riding out for one last hurrah and will ride for whichever army the Courier suggests.
- Brutal Honesty: Doctor Henry is rather straightforward and upfront in admitting his past in the Enclave, at least compared to the others.
- Call to Agriculture: Kreger works as a farmer in Westside.
- Continuity Nod: To Fallout 2.
- Johnson was stationed at Navarro when the Chosen One got chewed out by Arch Dornan, though he apparently never found out who that person was.
- Whitman flew the Vertibird that the Chosen One found crashed outside Klamath.
- Remember Dr. Henry that gave you a quest in NCR? That's him.
- Cool Plane: Their Vertibird, which is still in perfect working order despite lying fallow with no maintenance for decades.
- Crazy Survivalist: Johnson gives off this vibe, although he's actually a Nice Guy.
- Dare to Be Badass: How you get Moreno to fight for the NCR. With a high enough speech, the Courier goads him with the opportunity to show the pansy-ass NCR how a real soldier fights.
- Defector from Decadence:
- Putting human decency first, 'Cannibal' Johnson regularly subverted Enclave orders, and he didn't shed any tears when the oil rig blew. He spends his remaining days in a cave killing raiders. Due to aforementioned human decency, he'll walk out when you tell the Remnants to support the Legion, though much unlike Moreno he doesn't threaten to attack.
- Doctor Henry outright quit the Enclave even before its downfall, which was lucky for him, seeing as how he probably would have died in the destruction of the oil rig.
- The Dreaded: By fighting in Hoover Dam, the Remnants remind the wasteland just how terrifying the Enclave are to the point that even Caesar decides to leave them alone. The only person who doesn't fear them is Lanius, who ends up losing hundreds of soldiers because of this.
- Face–Heel Turn: If you tell the Remnants to support the NCR, Orion Moreno will walk out. You will have to either pass a speech check to make him stay or he will try to kill you.
- Elaborate Underground Base/Emergency Stash: The Remnants Bunker.
- Elite Mooks: To the Enclave in the past, and potentially to either the NCR or Legion at Hoover Dam.
- Enemy Mine: If siding with the NCR against the Legion. If you have 80 speech, you can even convince Orion Moreno to stay. He'll even bitterly state:
- Foil: To the Brotherhood of Steel. Like the Brotherhood, they fought a bloody war with the NCR that they lost due to the NCR's numerical superiority overwhelming their superior training and equipment. Unlike the Brotherhood, however, they have (mostly) gotten over their defeat and moved on with their lives, rather than hunkering down in their bunker and plotting revenge.
- For Science!: Doctor Henry, possibly. He tells the Courier that his work at Jacobstown is because he's The Atoner, but Arcade claims that Henry only cares about solving problems, not about whether his solutions help or hurt people. His project back in 2 provides evidence for both sides of the argument — on the one hand he clearly wasn't fond of the idea of just wiping out all the mainland humans seeing as he was working on trying to cure mutation instead even before defecting, on the other hand his reaction when finding out that the current version of his serum caused super-mutants injected with it to dissolve into goo was (paraphrased) 'It still has a few bugs, then'.
- Gatling Good: Johnson and Moreno favor the gatling laser and the minigun, respectively.
- Graceful Loser: All of the Remnants save for Moreno have gotten over being defeated by the NCR. Of course, it doesn't help that the NCR accuses Moreno of squatting in a house that he's lived in long before they came to the Mojave.
- I'm a Humanitarian: Subverted with Cannibal Johnson, who is only called that because of a one-time incident where he took a bite out of a raider's heart to scare away the rest of the raider group.
- The Last Dance: Particularly for Johnson, who prefers going out with a bang rather than dying quietly in his cave. From a gameplay perspective, this applies to Arcade as well, as he leaves your party once this quest is completed, and you won't meet him again until the final battle.
- Mugging the Monster: The NCR trying to force Moreno out of his house.
- Nazi Grandpa: They're elderly people with past connection with The Enclave, A Nazi by Any Other Name in this setting.
- Nazi Hunter: Not themselves. Rather, they and others associated with the Enclave are being tracked down by the post-apocalyptic version, with the NCR serving that role.
- One-Man Army: Each of them is individually a match for entire squads of Legionaries or NCR Troopers, being decked out in the game's best Powered Armor and carrying either tri-beam laser rifles or miniguns. This is shown further in the ending if Legion wins but Caesar dies: Lanius stubbornly keeps trying to have them killed, which costs him hundreds of soldiers.
- Patriotic Fervor: Moreno was completely loyal to the Enclave and believed them to be the true successor of the government. According to Arcade, he remembered Moreno saying 'Kiss America goodbye, boys' as they left Navarro.
- Punch-Clock Villain: None of the Remnants are the evil bastards of the previous games, with only Moreno being a genuine believer in the Enclave cause. Captain Kreger admits that the leadership was pretty damn ruthless, but states that many of the basic rank-and-file troops were just interested in bringing order to the wastes, Not So Different from the NCR.
- Retired Badass: Although they are all retired soldiers that most likely haven't seen combat for decades, they can still lay waste to entire squads of elite NCR or Legion troops with ease.
- Retired Badass Roundup: For the final battle.
- Retired Monster: Moreno really believed in the Enclave, but there is no Enclave anymore.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Their primary motivation for them to fight alongside the Legion in the final battle.
- Sociopathic Soldier: Orion Moreno. His philosophy was that anyone, regardless of noncombatant status, who argued with a man wearing powered armor and carrying a minigun deserved whatever they got.
- Squishy Wizard: Doctor Henry, due to his lack of Power Armor. Keep in mind this is only in comparison to the rest of the Remnants; his science suit still provides decent defense, and his Tri-beam Laser Rifle packs a punch, so he can dispatch the Elite Mooks of the Legion just as easily as the rest.
- Team Dad: Judah Kreger is stated to be the one man who kept Johnson and Moreno in line and kept them all together.
- Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: Johnson and Moreno hate each other so much that their working together is cited as Kreger's single greatest credential as a leader.
- Token Evil Teammate: Orion Moreno. However, rather than being simply a murderous psychopath, he's portrayed as a tragic figure who honestly believed in what he was fighting for and could never get over the loss of his beloved nation.
- Undying Loyalty: Orion Moreno never questioned the legitimacy of the Enclave and truly believed that they were the true heirs of America. Seeing his beloved nation die at the hands of the NCR is something that he could never forgive.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Arcade Gannon and Cannibal Johnson will give a heaping of this to you if you ask the Remnants to support the Legion.
- Written by the Winners: Moreno laments that, had the Enclave won, he would have been feted as a hero, instead of hunted as a war criminal.
The Fiends

A band of Raiders prowling New Vegas' outskirts, notorious for their drug-fueled savagery. This and their stockpile of advanced weaponry makes them a constant menace to the inhabitants of Westside and the NCR headquarters at Camp McCarran.
- Always Chaotic Evil: They're Fallout raiders taken Up to Eleven. Loosely organized, completely hooked up on chems, attack all others on sight (with a few exceptions) and lives by Rape, Pillage, and Burn.
- Axe-Crazy: Drugs have driven most Fiends out of their minds to the point where the only thing they understand is violence.
- Decapitated Army: By killing their leaders, the Courier can weaken the Fiends to the point that they're essentially wiped out in the epilogue.
- The Dragon: To the Legion. While most of its other allies are in the background taking care of other business, the Fiends are giving NCR almost as much trouble as the Legion itself.
- Drugs Are Bad: The main reason why they are so screwed up is because they are all drug addicts.
- Dummied Out: There are friendly dialogue scripts for the three Fiend bosses in the overworld.
- Even Evil Has Standards:
- The Fiends are a gang of drug addicts, rapists, slavers, and murderers. But even among their own ranks, they acknowledge that Cook-Cook is the worst of them all, and he even freaks them out a bit for it. It even works in a meta sense as Cook-Cook is the only Fiend with a Very Evil karma. Cut dialogue with Driver Nephi and Violet would, for all their hostility towards you, repeatedly warn you to stay away from Cook-Cook.
- Diane of the Great Khans implies that the reason a lot of the Fiends are encountered outside Vault 3 is because their minds are so fried on drugs and alcohol, they're unstable and violent even around their allies. Thus the more able-minded Fiends that live in the vault don't let them in because they're too dangerous.
- Eviler Than Thou: Due to a combination of their savagery, numbers, and unusually good weaponry, the Fiends are feared by the other raider groups of the Mojave in addition to civilized people.Samuel Cooke: It's a fucking deathtrap around here. Fiends swarm all over Vault 3 in the east, and there are fucking Deathclaws south of that, at Quarry Junction.Samuel Cooke: Like raiders, but worse - these guys are messed up on every damn chem there is. You can spot them by the horned skulls they wear as hats.Courier: Tell me about the Scorpions.Klamath Bob: Not much to tell. Typical gang of dumb bullies and angry nobodies. They're holed up a bit south of here, in the Monte Carlo Suites. They think they're tough, but any time they tangle with the Fiends, they get torn right up.
- On the other hand, they ultimately end up on the receiving end of this trope in a Legion victory ending: Caesar/Lanius has them exterminated.
- Flunky Boss: All the Fiend leaders are accompanied by around four to six decently-armed Fiends guarding them. Violetta has around eight dogs instead. Motor-Runner, however, is alone in his throne room with only two very weak dogs. Of course, you already had to fight through dozens of Fiends in the vault just to get to him... unless you Speech checked your way in or went on behalf of the Khans. Still have to fight your way out, of course, but he only has about six Fiends in his section, same as the others.
- Five-Man Band:
- Big Bad: Motor-Runner
- The Dragon/Evil Genius: Cook-Cook, being the most dangerous of them and also having a surprisingly high Intelligence stat.
- The Brute: Driver Nephi, being a strong and sturdy melee combatant with several killings under his skeeve.
- Dark Action Girl: Violet, the token female Fiend leader who at least isn't as depraved as Cook-Cook or as brutish as Nephi.
- Hard-Coded Hostility: The Fiends will always be hostile to the Courier as they're not even a faction that you can gain reputation with. At best, you can talk your way into Vault 3 so that the Fiends there think you're there to deliver drugs and won't attack you unless you shoot first.
- Laughably Evil: The cut dialog for the three Fiend bosses make them seem far more comical than just the psychotic raider bosses you hear them described as.
- Meaningful Name: 'Fiends,' both as the most irredeemably evil faction in the game, and a shortening of the slang term 'dope fiend' meaning someone in the final stages of addiction to a harmful drug.
- Pragmatic Villainy: The Fiends make a point of staying away from Westside after deciding that Mean Sonofabitch is more trouble than it's worth to kill.
- Tragic Monster: Of a sort. As noted by Corporal Betsy, there's no way to tell if any individual Fiend is genuinely pure evil (like the leaders) or a broken shell of a man/woman so hopelessly drugged out that they're literally incapable of discerning right from wrong. Blagging your way into Vault 3 and mingling with the ordinary Fiends emphasizes this. They talk and act like scared teenagers sitting upon a massive pile of contraband in their clubhousethat they're all too strung out to clean up. The kicker is when you find some of them lying on beds in the dormitories; checking them reveals they aren't sleeping, they've OD'd and none of their compatriots have even bothered to check on them. These guys are so monumentally stoned they don't seem able to link your arrival with the subsequent violent death of their leader.
- The Usual Adversaries: Textbook examples, both from the perspective of the player and the NCR.
- Villain by Default: They are basically a slightly organized band of raiders that kill, burn, steal and rape everything they see.
- Wacky Wayside Tribe: They don't really have much significance in the story other than acting as yet another obstacle for the NCR (and an NCR-allied Courier) to overcome. Their origin isn't specified either. If you don't side with the NCR you can easily never see these guys.
- Duke in particular stands out, being the only Fiend with no dialog {If you include the cut dialog for Cook-Cook, Nephi and Violet}, no quest where you have to kill him for a bounty, and no real backstory or history with the NCR. Yet he's also one of the very few characters in the game to have Very Evil Karma.
- With Friends Like These...: They have a loose alliance with the Legion who feed them intel about Camp McCarran. It doesn't stop them from firing at a Legion-aligned Courier, and their relationship is strained to the point that Caesar has them exterminated should they survive into the endgame.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: If Caesar wins Hoover Dam he exterminates them due to their reliance on Chems.
- Zerg Rush: Their tactics against Camp McCarran. However, once you kill their leaders, they become much less capable, to the point that they're wiped out in the epilogue.
The leader of the Fiends, Motor-Runner commands his raiders from within the depths of Vault 3. The 'most sane' of the gang, Motor-Runner commands from the back lines, letting his three sub-bosses to take charge of the groups above ground, while still maintaining enough control to form the drug-addled people into a credible fighting force. Motor-Runner has survived multiple assassinations, and by the time of the game has still yet to be killed (even by an NCR Ranger). Motor-Runner is strong and durable and his 'Motor Runner's Buff' perk grants him extra Damage Resistance and Damage Threshold and lets him hit harder with his chainsaw. As such, Motor-Runner is not to be trifled with.
- Affably Evil: Rather hilarious when you realize that the leader of the most evil faction in the game is the only member who isn't automatically hostile to you, probably because he's the only one not on a massive amount of drugs. Motor-Runner is actually extremely polite should the Courier manage to speak with him, treating you with a measure of respect, is willing to bargain for drug prices, genuinely cares about the Fiends under him (referring to them as 'my people' and leading them to Vault 3 to help protect them), and will even graciously accept the player's challenge to a fight... despite having butchered the Vault's defenseless inhabitants, who welcomed them with open arms.
- Benevolent Boss: He treats his men well, and the reason they are in South Vegas in the first place is that Motor-Runner conquered Vault 3 to give them a safe place to live.
- Chainsaw Good: He wields a chainsaw into battle.
- Faking the Dead: You can help him fake his death by getting him to give his helmet to you as proof of his death to the NCR to get him off your back.
- Orcus on His Throne: Motor-Runner, literally. While you run around New Vegas gunning fields down by the dozen, he just sits on that chair of his.
The most feared member of the Fiends, Cook-Cook is notorious for raping and burning his victims. Cook-Cook acts as one of Motor-Runner's sub-bosses, keeping command of the Fiends above with the threat of being cooked alive or worse. He is also noted to be very close to his pet Brahmin Queenie, disgustingly close, and will rampage about if she is killed. He is noted to be unhygienic and smelly but allowed to cook because that's one of the few things he's good at, making meals out of anything that passes into his little corner of turf be it 'Brahmin, mole rats, lizards... the occasional traveler lost in the wrong part of town'.
- Anything That Moves: Women? Yes. Men? Yes. Young? Yes. Old? Yes. Human? Yes. Animal? Yes.
- Axe-Crazy: He is utterly insane and sadistic, butchering almost everyone he comes across that isn't a Fiend.
- Berserk Button: If anything so much as happens to Queenie, Cook-Cook's favorite Brahmin, he will completely lose his shit and attack everything. And his mind's already on the edge as it is.
- Bestiality Is Depraved: It's implied that Cook-Cook really loves his Brahmin. As if being a cannibalisticPyromaniac with a penchant for rape isn't enough to tell you how depraved he is. In cut dialogue, he goes off the deep end and promises that he'll 'going to burn the world for' Queenie... starting with the Fiends.
- Black Comedy Rape: His rape comments in the cut dialogue are somehow Played for Laughs.Cook-Cook: NCR? Bunch of soft little bitches, they've got no stomach for life in the wasteland. Got some choice strange, though, I'll give 'em that. Heh heh... yeah. I'll give 'em that all right. Explanation
- Card-Carrying Villain: Cut dialogue indicates that Cook-Cook is well aware of his monstrous reputation, and that he embraces it.Cook-Cook: Who am I? I'm the scariest motherfucker you're gonna meet! I'm Cook-Cook, bitch, better not forget it!
- Depraved Bisexual: When he purchased a family from slavers, he didn't even wait until the slavers turned around before he began raping them, beginning with their son.
- The Dreaded: While Motor-Runner is the gang's leader, Cook-Cook is the one that everyone fears, to the point that even his own fellow Fiends don't want to get too involved with him.Little Buster: The rapist with the flamethrower? Yeah, that's a combination I stay the fuck away from.
- Evil Chef: One of the only characters with 'Very Evil' karma and, according to Dhatri, a damn good cook.
- Fat Bastard: Some of Betsy's dialogue indicates Cook-Cook was supposed to be one, if not for the engine's limited number of character models.
- Faux Affably Evil: He talks like a funny frat boy in cut dialogue while being, y'know, a raping cannibalistic pyromaniac.
- The Friend Nobody Likes: No one in the Fiends likes Cook-Cook, and they only keep him around because he's a good chef. In Dummied Out dialogue, Driver Nephi will warn the Courier 'Listen... you don't want to mess with Cook-Cook. And you really don't want to let him get you alone. Trust me,' and Violet says 'Driver Nephi'll brain your skull in! Cook-Cook... don't even want to know what he'll do.'
- Genius Ditz: Despite being completely off his gourd, Cook-Cook has an Intelligence score of 9. Might have something to do with the Mentats he takes.
- Hate Sink: As long as you exclude the cut dialogue. He has absolutely no redeeming qualities in the final game, and the game goes out of its way to make you know about it. The cut dialogue frankly made him too funny to qualify as this.
- I'm a Humanitarian: Cut dialogue for Cook-Cook reveals he's into cannibalism and strips of human flesh can be found at camp fires in his base, though his special stew doesn't use human flesh.
- Kill It with Fire: His favorite method of killing. He will likely be armed with an incinerator when the player finds him.
- Laughably Evil: His cut dialog makes him sound more comically sleazy than the monster he's stated to be.Cook-Cook: Hey there, sweet thing, want a ride on the Cook-Cook Express?
- Malevolent Masked Men: He wears a welding mask.
- Morality Chain: Cook-Cook has a pet brahmin named 'Queenie'. If you kill her he'll go berserk and attack the other Fiends. His cut dialogue concerning her indicates that he might like her a bittoomuch... If something were to happen to her, he goes berserk and begins attacking the Fiends hanging out with him.
- Motor Mouth: The cut dialogue made Cook Cook a fast-talking Large Ham.
- The Pig Pen: None of the Fiends are all that clean as it is, but Cook-Cook is implied to really stink.
- Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil: Cook-Cook's penchant for rape and setting his victims on fire means that he's one of the few characters with 'Very Evil' karma, making him just as evil as Vulpes Inculta, Mortimer and Philippe.
- Sadist: He enjoys burning people alive after raping them. Safe to say that he qualifies.
- Serial Rapist: In spite of being a cannibalistic pyromaniac, his proclivity to rape anything he gets his hands on is his most notorious trait.
- Supreme Chef: He is apparently such a good chef that the Fiends keep him around despite being disgusted by him otherwise. You can find the recipe to his special stew in his base and it's a decent healing item.
- Villain of Another Story: He's a nobody in the grand scheme of the Mojave, and the only role he'll ever serve for the Courier is as an assassination target for a single quest. He doesn't even have any dialogue in the final game. But Cook-Cook has committed so many atrocities and ruined so many lives that he's become the personal nemesis for many characters, including Betsy and Pretty Sarah.
A Fiend leader with an affinity for dogs and one of the NCRs top targets. One of Motor-Runner's sub-bosses Violet is deranged even by Fiend standards; constantly strung out on Psycho, Violet is extremely protective of her dogs (of whom she bred herself) and dislikes anyone looking at them, talking about them, or asking to take them. She is also implied to be a cannibal and feeds the meat of her victims to her dogs.
- Ax-Crazy: Like most Fiends outside of Vault 3, Violet is violent and brutal at all times.
- The Beast Master: She has a whole pack of dogs at her beck and call.
- Berserk Button: Dummied out content had her going berserk should something happen to her dogs as well as screaming at the player for trying to pet and/or buy them.
- I'm a Humanitarian: She's inclined to use people for meat whether it be for her dogs or herself. Her personal base is filled with strips of human flesh.'Heh heh. Good meat, huh? Cat meat, rat meat, dog meat — maybe even you meat!'
- You No Take Candle: Her cut dialogue reveals that she is barely capable of forming complete sentences:'Dogs? Good dogs! My dogs! Fiend dogs. Tear you up, arf arf arf! HA HA!'
Driver Nephi
A fiend leader who likes to beat his victims to death with a driver. As durable as he is fast, Driver Nephi's longevity is also due to him using his own men as meat-shields. As implied by Elder Bert Gunnarsson, Driver Nephi was once a part of New Cannan and was a Mormon missionary that went out of Utah to preach. He fell into drug use with the Fiends and became one of the hardest fighters.
- Dumb Muscle: He sports a perfect 10 in Strength and a remarkable 8 in Endurance, but an unimpressive 4 in Intelligence and a 3 in Luck.
- Face–Heel Turn: It's implied that Nephi was a former New Canaanite.
- Golf Clubbing: His signature weapon is a driver iron and he is very good with it.
- Hidden Depths: Cut dialogue with the Followers Doctor Bert Gunnarsson reveals that Driver Nephi used to be part of the Mormon Church and they were close friends before Nephi fell into a bad crowd. If the player kills Nephi before talking to Bert, he will comment that he hopes Nephi will somehow find peace in the afterlife, even with the other dialogue cut.
- Jerkass: His cut dialog makes him a rude and foul-mouthed asshole.Nephi: Name's Nephi, friend. A pleasure to meet you
Courier: It is? Really?
Nephi: No you fucking dolt! Why the hell would it be a pleasure?! - Lightning Bruiser: Has a reputation as very tough and fast melee fighter, who has killed at least a dozen NCR troopers, with just his golf club. True to his reputation, he has very high Strength and Endurance and moves 25% faster than the other Fiends.
- Made of Iron: He is said to be so tough, a .308 round put in him by a First Recon Sniper didn't even faze him.
- Only Sane Man: Relative to the other Fiend leaders outside Vault 3, at any rate. He might not be as depraved as Cook-Cook or Violet, but he's still a drug-addled raider leader. And abelligerant jerk to boot.
- Sir Swears-a-Lot: Cut dialogue has him swear the most out of all of the Fiend leaders with him saying 'fuck' six times in his limited dialogue tree.
A named Fiend located inside Zapp's Neon Signs, near Vault 3. Little is known about him.
- Enigmatic Minion: We know next to nothing about him, just that he doesn't wear common Fiend apparel, is named and has Very Evil karma, rather than just evil. The rest was likely dummied-out.
- Evil Genius: Statistically speaking Very Evil and very intelligent.
- Genius Bruiser: He wears heavy Metal Armour and has impressive 7 in Strenght and Endurance and 8 in Intelligence.
- Mr Fix It: Implied. While Repair isn't his tag skill, his gear is in good condition compared to the other Fiends and he's located next to a Workbench.
A named Fiend serving as a jailor in Vault 3.
- Token Good Teammate: More like Token Neutral Teammate, but he's the only Fiend with Neutral Karma, rather than Evil.
Followers of the Apocalypse
A quasi-religious order and humanitarian organization that originated from the Los Angeles Boneyard, headquartered in the ruins of the former LA Public Library. The Followers are dedicated to helping the less fortunate people in the wasteland by providing them with education and medical aid with the long-term goal of ensuring that humanity does not repeat the mistakes that led to the Great War.
- Being Good Sucks: Most of their endings see them kicked out of the Mojave, overwhelmed with patients, or simply hunted down and killed. Though if the NCR wins and you can convince the Followers to work with them they will continue to provide their services with full government support, while if Caesar is alive for a Legion victory he lets them go out of respect for his old life.
- Beware the Nice Ones: They're normally pacifists. However, if they believe it'll help the less fortunate, they can and will kill without hesitation. Plus, Caesarused to be one of their members.
- Bittersweet Ending: Pretty much any ending they get, unless you get them to support the NCR's annexation of the Mojave or leave Caesar in charge of the Legion and then help them win at Hoover Dam.
- Bomb-Throwing Anarchists: They're accused of this, but they're not. Usually.
- Disaster Scavengers: They entire goal is to seek out Pre-War tech and use it for humanitarian purposes. Arcade points out that simply scavenging can't go on forever and they do also try to gain the knowledge to produce things themselves.
- Hero with Bad Publicity: As one of the most moral organizations in the Fallout universe, they have some very serious publicity issues. At best, people view them as well-intentioned Wide Eyed Idealists that are too naive to survive in this Crapsack World. At worst, they are seen as anarchistic cultists with dangerous ideas that need to be destroyed. The bad publicity comes out in a very specific ending to a quest, The White Wash, after it's been uncovered that a rogue Follower killed an NCR Trooper for finding out that the Followers were stealing water from the NCR for the town of Westside to grow crops. Turning in said Follower has Carrie Boyd mention that this isn't the first time something like this has happened and that she's unsure their actions are helping or hurting their cause because they piss off people with power by doing the occasionally right thing the wrong way.
- The Mole: Ignacio Rivas is quickly revealed to be this to the NCR operation in Helios 1, so they don't find out whatever kind of weapon the facility was really made for.
- Not So Different: To the Brotherhood of Steel. Ultimately, the goal of both factions is to gather technology and knowledge, for the sake of what they deem as a noble cause.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: We don't get an ending for them with Mr. House. However, Yes Man states that House planned to enlist them to provide medical aid throughout the region as a 'mitigating contingency', which is exactly what you do in the Independent ending.
Julie Farkas
The current leader of the Mojave chapter of the Followers Of The Apocalypse who has her hands full keeping Freeside from killing itself through overdoses, addictions, random violence and lack of supplies. She keeps busy but always finds the time to help those in need.
- Beware the Nice Ones: She is normally the nicest and most polite person you'll meet in Freeside. Get on her bad side, however, and you'll find she has a surprisingly sharp tongue when sufficiently pissed off.'I hope you don't think I'm going stitch your sorry ass.''Don't you have some kittens to drown or something?'
- Big Good: She runs what is quite possibly the kindest, most benevolent faction in the entire wasteland.
- Dark Is Not Evil: Minor example. She has a mohawk (which is typically only seen on raiders and thugs) and leads a faction that sounds like some sort of apocalypse cult, but she is actually one of the nicer residents of the Mojave.
- Delinquent Hair: Her most notable feature is her punk mohawk, a reference to the original founder of the Followers who also had a mohawk.
- Freaky Fashion, Mild Mind: Despite sporting a prominent mohawk, Julie Farkas is one of the kindest individuals of the game.
- Nice Girl: She's one of the very few characters in the game that has Very Good karma.
Doctors and Scientists
Bert Gunnarsson
Voiced by:Sam RiegelA ghoul doctor stationed at the Aerotech Office Park camp to help tend to the refugees there. Similar to Rotface, he had a slightly larger role in the game which ended up cut in the final product, though some of the lines made it into the game anyway.
- Badasses Wear Bandanas: He is heavily implied to have a good bit of combat experience and wears a bandana around his head.
- Badass Bystander: He apparently tracked Nephi across the wasteland all the way from Utah in the hopes of redeeming him.
- Beware the Nice Ones: He's extremely kind and a member of one of the most benevolent factions in the wasteland, but he has very high combat related skills, especially for a doctor. He also managed to track a member of the Fiends from Utah, which would require covering a lot of dangerous terrain.
- Combat Medic: He's actually more skilled with firearms than any of his other tagged skills, with an 84 in Guns and 77 in Medicine and Unarmed. He also carries a .357 magnum revolver for self defense. It's implied that he's a New Canaanite, who all undergo firearms training.
Doctor Usanagi
Voiced by: Laura BaileyA highly skilled doctor who runs the New Vegas Medical Clinic on the outskirts of the city for The Followers of the Apocalypse. In addition to offering basic surgical procedures she can also install cybernetic implants that boost the Courier's Attributes or give them unique abilities like increased wound recovery rate.
- Asian and Nerdy: She is the most versatile doctor in all of New Vegas and is even a university graduate, something that is almost unheard of in the wasteland.
- Super Doc: In addition to offering all of the basic wasteland doctor procedures like radiation and addiction removal she is also able to perform advanced cybernetic implant surgery and serve as a therapist for people suffering post-tramatic stress disorder. Quite impressive for a single individual.
Emily Ortal
Voiced by: Lora CainA Followers scientist who was sent to The Strip to investigate Mr. House's longevity technology in the hopes of finding a way to use it to help the other residents of New Vegas live better lives. She hasn't had much luck so far and decides to enlist the help of the courier to secretly plant a bug on the network.
- Alcohol-Induced Idiocy: She claims her little encounter with Benny was the result of sleep deprivation and one Atomic Cocktail too many. The Courier can even comment on it.Courier: Alcohol is the only way Benny could ever get any action from a smart girl like you.Emily: That's sweet of you to say, even if it isn't true.
- Berserk Button: She hates talking about the incident with Benny and will become very angry if the Courier makes fun of her upon hearing about it. Unfortunately, most of the lines regarding this dialogue branch were programmed wrong and are normally inaccessible.Courier: Maybe you should chalk it up to being irresponsible and naive.Emily: And maybe you should jump off Hoover Dam, jackass.
- Hot Scientist: She has a perfect 10 in Charisma and a normally inaccessible dialogue option has her reveal that she slept with Benny at some point during her stay at The Tops. She even flirts with the Courier a little bit depending on how they respond to this.
- Meganekko: She is one of the few characters to wear glasses and seems to have been designed to be fairly attractive.
- Small Role, Big Impact: She seems like just another quest giver at first, but talking to her after her quest is complete will reveal that she was the one who reprogrammed Yes Man for Benny, potentially altering the future of not just New Vegas itself but the future of House, the NCR and the Legion as well.
- Unwitting Instigator of Doom: Talking to her again after bugging the Lucky 38 has her reveal that she was the one who reprogrammed Yes Man for Benny, something she's come to deeply regret.
Bill Ronte and Jacob Hoff
A couple of intelligent, yet strung out old men that have become so addicted to cheap chems that they can't get any work done. Both are in dire need of help from the Courier if they hope to ever kick their habits and get their lives back.
- Addled Addict: Both are addicted to poorly made chems that they got from a corrupt dealer who enjoys watching them suffer. Their bodies are so ravaged by the drugs that they can barely think or move anymore unless they have some of the junk in their system.
- The Alcoholic: Bill is so sick off of the rotgut booze Dixon's been selling him that he's as crippled as a normal person would be after getting addicted to powerful street chems like Psycho or Jet.
- Heroic Willpower: With a high enough Speech the Courier can convince both men to power through their addictions and quit cold turkey with the help of their friends and family.
- Irony: Jacob used to brew homemade detox chems, now he's addicted to homemade street drugs.
- The Smart Guy: Both are very gifted and intelligent men who have skills in machinery and chemistry. Unfortunately, their addicts make it impossible for them to perform their jobs in their current state.
Great Khans
A tribe of Mongolian-themed raiders that originated from the same vault as the NCR, their long-time enemy. As the NCR expanded through the Core Regions the Khans were pushed into the Mojave, only for Mr. House to evict them once he took control of New Vegas. The Great Khans resettled at Bitter Springs and raided from it for a few years, until the NCR retaliated with an attack that turned into a massacre. The remaining Great Khans have holed up in Red Rock Canyon, where they eke out a meager existence by manufacturing and selling chems, but an alliance with Caesar's Legion might give the Khans a chance to strike back against their old foes and regain their past glory...
- Asshole Victim: While most members of the NCR agree that what happened at Bitter Springs was messed up, former Khan-turned-NCR soldier Bitter-Root maintains that they had it coming. Objectively speaking, the Khans did provoke the NCR with attacks on civilians and soldiers alike, ignoring warnings of reprisal as empty threats. Even after Bitter Springs, when the Followers of the Apocalypse tried to teach them how to make medicine, the Khans instead used that knowledge to become drug dealers, causing the Followers to withdraw their support in disgust.
- Bit-Part Bad Guys: They're involved enough in the backstory of the setting, with them supplying the chems that keep the Fiends going, sacking several towns and caravans in the backstory, and six of them being hired to help Benny kill the Player Character at the beginning of the game, but they're too small and weak to have much plot relevance. You only have to encounter them once, at Boulder City, and that can be dealt with simply by telling the NCR squad present to kill them and watching it happen. Even if you do opt to take them out, there's only a handful of them at one base, so it's just one mid-sized gunfight. Convincing them to fight the Legion or leave peacefully, however, requires its own quest chain.
- Defector from Decadence: From the original Khans. In their case, both Manny Vargas and Bitter Root are this for them. You can also help Jerry the Punk become a member of the Followers of the Apocalypse. Subverted with Manny, as he's still on good terms with the other Khans and states that he left the NCR after Bitter Springs.
- Downer Ending: The only way for them to get a Happy Ending is to convince them to leave the Mojave in search of their legacy. Otherwise, they get wiped out, are forcibly assimilated into Caesar's Legion, or are relocated to a barren reservation.
- Drugs Are Bad: They're pretty much the prime chem providers in the Mojave (it's all they produce at Red Rock, besides mercs, raiders, and some subsistence farming), and it's outright stated that their sales and manufacture is what keeps the Fiends going. Subverted in that the manufacturers can be convinced that there's money to be had in medical supplies, too, after which they'll begin making and selling Stimpaks on the cheap alongside their usual chems. However, their drug cook Jack is one of the nicer Khans.
- Death Seeker: If you convince the Khans to break the alliance with the Legion, it's possible to get them to launch a suicide attack against them in the battle for Hoover Dam.
- Friendly Enemy: Even if you're opposed to the Legion they'll still welcome you if you help them out.
- Gang Initiation Fight: Becoming an official member of the Khans involves the person taking a beating from all the Khans without giving in. At the least, you can try as many times as you want. Jerry the Punk laments the fact that he's just not tough enough to handle initiation.
- Genius Bruiser: Regis, who sleeps next to a stack of books.
- Genius Ditz: Jack might talk like a stoned-out hippie, but he's also a talented chemist who took to the Followers' lessons.
- Glass Cannon: They wield powerful weaponry such as Grenade Rifles and Hunting Revolvers, but they're clad in practically leather armor, which provides little protection against most other weaponry and go down easily in a few shots.
- Glory Seeker: One of the main reasons they are siding with the Legion is to both get revenge against the NCR and to gain glory to their people. Giving them information about their namesake from the Followers of the Apocalypse and showing them the real intentions of the Legion convinces them to switch sides, however.
- A Handful for an Eye: By completing her sidequest, Diane can teach you the Khan Trick, an unarmed move in which you toss sand at you opponent's eyes.
- Horrible Judge of Character: Thanks to Karl, they really believe that Caesar's Legion is going to change the M.O. they've used on 86 prior tribes just for them.
- The Hunter Becomes the Hunted: Back when they were just the Khans, they terrorized Shady Sands effortlessly. Now, Shady Sands is the NCR, and the Khans survive on their goodwill.
- A Lighter Shade of Black: They're indisputably a group of murderers and thieves, with their leader openly bragging about sacking towns and caravans that had no way of defending themselves. But between the White Legs, Fiends, Omertas, and of course the Legion, the Great Khans are practically the Token Good Teammates. At the very least, they're the only group on the Legion's side that can be dealt with completely peacefully.
- Monster Sob Story: They've done a lot of shady things in the past, they're still doing them in the present, and they by and large brought most of their problems down upon themselves. But they lost a lot of innocent lives to the NCR at Bitter Springs and they just haven't been able to find a good home for themselves.
- Noble Savage: Zigzagged; while they have a personal code of honor, are much more civilized than the other raider tribes, and will engage in reasonable diplomacy, they're also mass-murdering anarchists who provide much of the region with street drugs.
- Pragmatic Villainy:
- Unlike other Raider groups, the Khans don't kill for shit and giggles, they only do so if you have something they actually want. Otherwise, they leave you alone and may even be open to trade (as long as it's drugs you want, because that's all they have). It might not seem like much, but in the Crapsack World of Fallout it's enough for non-Khan Mojave residents to credit the group with at least a small amount of respect. It helps that their primary targets are NCR communities, whom Mojave communities generally resent.
- You can use an argument along these lines to convince the Khan's drug cooks to produce medicines: a more diverse product line will increase their profits, and there's less chance of their customers dying.
- Proud Warrior Race Guy: The mindset of most of the tribe, especially Papa Khan. His motivation for siding with the Legion is that he feels his once-mighty tribe has been disgraced with their defeat by NCR, and Caesar will help them return to their glory days.
- The Quisling: Papa is so keen for vengeance against the NCR that he's easily swayed by Karl's rhetoric, and sides with the Legion despite their practice of backstabbing and press-ganging every tribe who allied with them in the past. His second-in-command, Regis, is the reverse; less motivated by hatred of the NCR than his brethren, and mistrustful of the Legion, he'd happily call a truce between the Khans and NCR in the name of long-term stability in the Mojave. note
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Regis is even more reasonable than Papa Khan. He has doubts to the Legion, but won’t go against the alliance without sufficient proof.
- The Remnant: The tribe was founded by survivors from The New Khans, who in turn was founded by the sole surviving member of the original Khans. Both of these groups were hunted to near extinction by the NCR, with help from respectively the Chosen One and the Vault Dweller.
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here!: After convincing Papa Khan to break the alliance with the Legion, you can tell them to leave the Mojave to seek their fates elsewhere. Nonetheless, it's possible that they'll come to the Courier's aid in the final battle.
- The Spartan Way: The way that they train their children to become warriors is not nice at all. Some don't survive, though if you fail and survive, you're allowed to try again.
- The Stoner: Jack the drug cook.
- Suicidal Overconfidence: They attacked the NCR even after the NCR proved to be way more powerful than them. This resulted in the Great Khans being forced out of Bitter Springs, with most of them dying. By the time the game starts, they are just a small, isolated village in the canyons, yet they still insist on allying against the NCR, which rules over all of California and most of Nevada at this point. It's heavily implied it was to keep the NCR away. Didn't work.
- Sympathetic P.O.V.: The All Roads comic really makes you feel sorry for them.
- Took a Level in Kindness: They’re by no means saints, but they're far from the antagonizing Khans in the previous games.
- True Companions: Each one of them is this to the other Khans.
- Undying Loyalty: Loyalty is big for the Khans, but not in a threatening way like the Omertas. They're just a very close-knit group that looks out for their own. If the Courier befriends them, they're one of the most accepting and friendly factions there is towards him/her.
- Vapor Wear: Some female Khans wear open vests with no shirt or bra underneath. Of course, the vest stays in place so as to always be covering the right spots.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Karl's reaction to you will vary based on your reputation with The Legion. If you have tampered their efforts and have a negative reputation, he will warn you that you're dangerously close to be marked to death. And if you've killed Caesar, he'll be pissed!
Red Rock Canyon
The chieftain of the Great Khans. He was a follower of Darion of the New Khans, and was one of the few survivors of their battle against the New California Republic. Leading the survivors to the Mojave, Papa Khan reformed them into the Great Khans and has desperately sought to survive while surrounded by enemies new and old.
- Badass Baritone: The man has quite an impressive voice.
- Berserk Button: Insulting the Khans in front of him is a terrible idea. If you get Karl to do just this or give Papa his diary where he privately insults the Khans, he'll be gunned down by all the Khans in the building at Papa Khan's command.
- A Father to His Men: As much as Papa Khan lets his hatred of the NCR blind him, he truly does care for his people and will actually listen to his advisers if they speak out against him, after which with some extra convincing from the Courier he'll break his alliance with the Legion.
- Hidden Depths: While he may at first glance seem like nothing more than a slightly more reasonable tribal leader who is blinded by his hatred of the NCR, Papa Khan is actually quite intelligent and wants a better future for his people. If he reconnects with the Followers of the Apocalypse, he can do just that, building a civilization in Wyoming.
- Honor Before Reason: Even after you provide proof to Papa Khan that the Legion's intentions are not pure, he's still hesitant to break off ties with them due to his Glory Seeker tendencies; he still leans on allying with them if only to have his tribe go out in a blaze of glory. It takes even more legwork to convince him that there are better ways to go about that.
- Klingon Promotion: If you impress Papa Khan enough, he will make you his heir. Then you can stealth-kill him if you want.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: For all his faults, Papa Khan will listen to his people and takes any evidence presented against the Legion seriously.
- Too Dumb to Live: He really wants to get revenge against the NCR, and is swayed by the Legion's promise that Caesar will allow him to rule all the land west of the Colorado just because he allied with him despite the Legion's long and well-known history of backstabbing. He will, however, listen to his advisers and reconsider the deal if you convince enough of them to speak out against the alliance. It probably doesn't help that a Frumentarius is there specifically to sweet-talk him and the Khans into thinking how awesome the Legion is, even telling a female Khan about being a Legionnaire.
Regis is Papa Khan's second in command and head advisor who is in charge of enforing the Khan's laws and watching out for their well-being. Unlike many of his fellow high-ranking Khans he is having doubts about supporting the Legion and is suspicious of their true motives.
- Only Sane Man: He is much more down to earth and rational than his fellow Khans and doesn't share many of their major flaws.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: He takes his position very seriously and is more open to reason than most of his fellow Khans. If Papa Khan dies and he is made the new leader he will even be willing to bury the hatchet with the NCR even though he doesn't fully forgive them for the Bitter Springs massacre. He also has his doubts about allying with Caeser's Legion, unlike Papa Khan, who is just out for revenge against the NCR without fully considering the consequences of doing so.
Jack and Diane
A couple of Great Khan drug cooks doing the best that they can. Jack is in charge of cooking up the various chems the Khans barter with and Diane is in charge of sending out runners to deliver the shipments. Together they work as a team to make sure the Khans have the resources they need to survive in Red Rock Canyon, which is too inhospitable for most other forms of trade to be viable.
- Absolute Cleavage: Diane has this due to the design of the female Great Khan outfit.
- Benevolent Boss: They both care about their runners. If they're informed that the Legion has crucified one of theirs, they immediately stand against the Legion alliance.
- Combat Pragmatist: Completing their sidequest will have Diane teach the Courier the Khan Trick special move, which is an attack that throws sand into an opponents face.
- Meaningful Name: Their names come from a John Mellencamp song.
- New-Age Retro Hippie: Jack has many of the mannerisms of one and uses a lot of hippie sounding slang like 'Groodalicious' to describe his product.
- Nice Guy: Jack is extremely friendly to pretty much everyone. He even likes Jerry the Punk, unlike pretty much the entire rest of the tribe.
- Punch-Clock Villain: They only work as drug dealers because its just about the only form of resource the Khans have regular access to as well as the only thing they really excel at crafting. They do regularly supply the Fiends, but only out of necessity and have several other clients as well.
Jerry the Punk
A young Khan member who would rather spend his time reading and writing poetry rather than knocking heads around, something that makes him stand out like a sore thumb from his fellow gang members. The Courier can help him achieve his wish by convincing the Followers of the Apocalypse to let him join them, allowing him to leave the Khans behind and maybe make something of himself.
- Bookworm: He prefers reading books to fighting and raiding, with a love of poetry and haikus in particular.
- Emo Teen: One of the many reasons the other Khans don't give him any respect.
- Non-Action Guy: He's more suited to mental pursuits than physical ones and will become a lot happier if the Courier helps him join the Followers of the Apocalypse.
- No Respect Guy: He knows a lot of big words and understands how poetry and haikus work, which unfortunately doesn't win him a lot of respect points from a tribe that primarily thrives on mercenary work and drug dealing.
All Roads Khans
One of Benny's Khan thugs that accompanied him to Goodsprings to ambush the Courier and steal the Platinum Chip. After departing from Benny he found himself caught in a hostage situation between the NCR and his fellow Khans at Boulder City. It's there that the Courier decides his fate.
- Badasses Wear Bandanas: He owns a unique bandana that gives the wearer a +1 to Perception.
- Even Evil Has Standards: He may be a violent Khan, but he takes care of his own and is initially against taking Benny's job when it's revealed they would be killing an unaffiliated party that hasn't personally wronged them. He only relents when Benny promises to do the actual deed himself.
- Punch-Clock Villain: He's Benny's hired thug, but only because the caps were good and the Khans need the cash. He actually hates the guy and will tell the Courier to shove Benny's lighter up his ass when they find him again.
- Undying Loyalty: To the Great Khans. He refuses to abandon Chance and demands that he be buried when he dies.
The leader of the Khan group that Benny hired to ambush the Courier at Goodsprings. After the job was complete he found himself caught in a fight between the NCR and his own group. By the time the Courier reaches Bolder City he is already dead and can be found laying on a mattress in the ruins.
- Badasses Wear Bandanas: Similar to Jessup, but his is just an ordinary one.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Similar to Jessup. He only joined Benny for the caps and insists that the Khans bury their dead before moving on to Goodsprings.
- Punch-Clock Villain: Same deal as Jessup.
- Scary Black Man: He leads the group of Khans that ambush the Courier near Goodsprings at the beginning of the game under Benny's orders.
- Undying Loyalty: Similar to Jessup, he refuses to abandon Chance and helps bury him when he dies.
- We Hardly Knew Ye: Despite his important role in the story he only appears in one cutscene and gets a single line before being killed at Boulder City.
A lumbering Great Khan with a taste for chems and a deeply scarred psyche from witnessing the Bitter Springs massacre. He hasn't spoken since due to the trauma he suffered, but he's good in a fight so the Khans bring him along for Benny's job. This proves to be his end, however, when Benny slips him a vial of potent chems that causes him to overdose.
- Addled Addict: His chem addiction makes him a huge liability, so much so that Benny repeatedly suggests they just abandon him.
- Barbarian Longhair: He has long blonde hair and is prone to fits of psychotic rage.
- Berserk Button: Being caught in the Bitter Springs massacre made him obsessed with fire. When he comes across a group of Fiends that burned down a village he flies into a rage and begins tearing them apart.
- Knife Nut: He carried a unique combat knife simply called Chance's Knife that can be looted from his grave. It's actually one of the better melee weapons in the game due to it being affected by both the Cowboy and Grunt perks, giving it very impressive damage.
- One-Man Army: He wades into a sea of Fiends armed only with his combat knife and manages to killed several of them singlehandedly, including one armed with a flamer. With the support of his fellow Khans and Benny he manages to survive the ordeal with just a few burns and cuts.
- The Quiet One: He hasn't said a single word since Bitter Springs.
Other Khans
Melissa Lewis
A Great Khan scout stationed near near the Quarry Junction waiting for a drug package, but the runner's a no-show. Helping her out will convince her to put in a good word for the Courier with the Great Khans and speak out against joining the Legion.
- Action Girl: She only agreed to the alliance with Caesar's Legion because she was promised the rank of speculatore by Karl. Revealing to her that women are not permitted to serve the Legion as soldiers and that the best she could hope for is to become an officer's wife is the easiest way to get her approval to sever all ties with the Legion for Papa Khan.
- Friendly Sniper: She uses a Hunting Rifle and carries a bottle of Steady with her.
- Unexplained Accent: She has a very strong New Zealand accent for some unknown reason. Her father has a plain American accent, making the situation that much stranger.
Oscar Velasco
A vengeful Great Khan sniper hiding out in the caves above Camp Bitter Springs. He has remained resentful of the NCR ever since the Bitter Springs massacre that killed his family. Now he takes his revenge however he can, usually in the form of dead soldiers and innocent civilians.
- Arc Villain: Of the 'Climb Ev'ry Mountain' quest.
- Berserk Button: He absolutely loathes the NCR First Recon snipers for murdering his family and will attack the Courier on sight if they have Boone with them due to his affiliation with the group.
- Cold Sniper: He's extremely bitter over the massacre that killed his family and has no problems shooting down the refugees simply for being a part of the Bitter Springs campsite.
- Easily Forgiven: Despite his atrocities the Courier can choose to let him leave peacefully.
- Sole Survivor: He lost his family to First Recon snipers that fired upon them as they were escaping through a pass.
- Token Evil Teammate: He's the only Great Khan to have evil karma in the entire game while the others all have at least neutral karma. Murdering several innocent refugees in the name of vengeance might have something to do with that.
The Kings
The only bigger gang to refuse House's ultimatum of a casino on the Strip in exchange for their subjugation. As a punishment, they were pushed back to the slum of Freeside, which they now uphold a loose control over.
- All Hail the Great God Elvis!: When the Kings found the King's School of Impersonation, they took the massive amounts of recordings, posters, imagery and imitation instructions to indicate that Elvis (not that they know his actual name) was actually a god figure from before the war that people worshiped.
- Anarchy Is Chaos: The King and Pacer both agree that their image of Freeside is a town where everyone can be free to do what they want, but they disagree on what this means. The King imagines a society where every citizen is free to pursue their own path, so long as they respect the rights of others — well within the spectrum of anarchist politics. Pacer is happy to live in a society where the strong take from the weak and the weak can like it or go live somewhere else — assuming that, as second-in-command of the biggest gang, he'll be in the 'strong' category. Unsurprisingly, his attack on the NCR relief effort ended terribly and if rest of The Kings go down his path and attack the trained and heavily armed troops, they will get massacred and Freeside will end up under martial law, while The King's willingness to compromise will allow them to end the situation peacefully.
- Earn Your Happy Ending: The Kings die or suffer horribly in most of the game's endings, but they do have their Golden Ending where they get to maintain their principles, get what they want, and don't lose many people in trying to fight the NCR.
- Elvis Impersonator: An entire gang of them, all convinced it's a pre-war religion. Only The King and Pacer put on the voice, but this might be justified since King says the tapes broke a few years ago. They're the oldest members and might be the only ones still alive to have heard them.
- Entitled Bastard: Zig-zagged, they aren't fond of the NCR squatters putting a drain on their resources, and The King is not pleased when he finds out the NCR is giving handouts to its citizens but not to the proper citizens of the area. However, it turns out NCR wanted to supply everyone, but the messenger they sent to negotiate with The King was beaten and turned away by Pacer, so they were only given enough support to take care of their own. The player has the option to eventually smooth things out and get the two to agree to a truce, which leads into NCR providing relief support to Freeside if you complete the game for NCR.
- Future Imperfect: The Kings actually have absolutely no idea who Elvis really is. When they first discovered the school of impersonation filed with holotapes, jackets, and a seemingly unlimited supply of hair gel, they concluded that Elvis was worshiped and the building was his temple.
- Gang of Hats: More like a gang of perfectly coiffed 'dos. They decided to all become Elvis impersonators because why not?
- Greaser Delinquents: They're a hybrid of this trope and Elvis impersonators.
- Neighborhood Friendly Gangsters: The Kings take this a step further by acting as Freeside's de facto police force, and the closest thing they have to a government.
- Nice Guy: The King is a rather personable and likable person, who despite being noted as something of a hothead remains a Reasonable Authority Figure for the most part. The Kings as a whole are very generous, giving freebies to a Courier who's proved helpful to the people of Freeside. If they have a flaw, it's a mild excess of hometown pride.
- Spell My Name with a 'The': The King. The fact that this makes him 'The King of Kings' is noted by Rotface.
- Suicidal Overconfidence:
- In a quest involving the NCR's and King's conflict, the NCR sends a platoon of fully armed soldiers to the King's HQ. The King tells you to explain what's going on before his gang kills the soldiers. You have the option of telling him to calm down since his gang stands no chance if they start a fight. He'll take this as a challenge, and order his gang to open fire, upon which they are all gunned down.
- This is basically what happens in all but a few of the King's endings. They decide to pick a fight with the victors of the Mojave and get themselves killed. The NCR is the only faction that's willing to even have a peaceful solution with them (aside from the Courier, of course), while Mr. House will only go so far as to leave them alone.
- Speaking of peace with the NCR, if the Courier gets the King to sign a truce with them, Pacer storms in, angry that the King had 'sold out', and attacks him — along with the King's loyal guards... and several, heavily armed NCR soldiers... oh, and YOU too.
The King
The leader of the Kings gang and, by extension, most of Freeside as well. He spends most of his days relaxing at the King's School of Impersonation though he also keeps up with current events happening on the street.
- Berserk Button: He has a strong dislike for the NCR, though his opinion of them may improve depending on the Courier's actions.
- Establishing Character Moment: If you pay Pacer's toll to get in to talk to him and mention it to him, The King apologizes for Pacer acting up and refunds you personally, and if you paid the max of 500 caps to get in, he makes a crack that you must have really wanted to meet him.
- Horrible Judge of Character: The King continues to display Undying Loyalty to Pacer long after it becomes obvious that the man is a two-faced weasel who's been manipulating him into a fight with the NCR. The King actually lets on that he knows that Pacer is xenophobic but overlooks this because a) he can understand Pacer's reasons b) a lot of Freeside feels the same and c) Pacer is still his best friend and in any other matter has the King's best interests at heart. He just doesn't know that Pacer is actively trying to start a war between the Kings and the NCR to drive the latter out of Freeside entirely.
- I Own This Town: A fairly benevolent example. His gang runs most of Freeside and his word carries a lot of weight. As such, almost everyone waits for his approval or opinion on matters before proceeding.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: Everyone in Freeside refers to him as The King, even his close friends.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: The King is one of the few politically powerful figures out there motivated by a genuine desire to help the people and will always favor peaceful and diplomatic solutions if there is one. He dislikes the NCR squatters around, but it's due to pride and miscommunication, and it's possible to smooth things out and make peace between them.
- You Owe Me: After completing a series of quests for The King, he gives you the permission to ask for a favor, ranging from membership to a fake passport to the Strip. Later on, you can use this favor to make The King agree to a truce with the NCR.
Pacer is the King's second in command and lacks most of the charm and charisma his boss has. He is also trying to start a war between the Kings and the NCR citizens in Freeside.
- Asshole Victim: If you kill him without being caught or implicating the NCR, The King is the only one who's sad about his demise. Doubly so if Pacer's death happens as a result of trying to kill The King if you convince him to make peace with the NCR.
- Face–Heel Turn: If you convince them to make peace with the NCR, Pacer becomes enraged over the King 'selling' out and attacks him. In front of several loyal Kings, NCR Troopers, and your party. The only way to avoid this and still end the quest peacefully is to complete 'King's Gambit' and use your favor to have the King agree to make peace...or use a mod that lets you point out to Pacer how stupid his attempted overthrow of the King really is.
- Heel–Face Turn: Cut material shows that it would have been possible to talk down Pacer from his mutiny with a high enough speech skill. Certain mods restore this.
- Jerkass: He is much more rude to the Courier than the King himself and will even charge them a bribe when they visit for the first time. He is also raising tensions between the NCR and the Kings.
- The Lancer: He's the King's second-in-command.
- Token Evil Teammate: He's the only member of the Kings set to Evil Karma
Powder Gangers
A group of escaped convicts originated from NCR territory. The NCR originally brought them from the west to use as cheap labor to work on a railway line. But the convicts managed to take control of their prison and formed into a loosely organized group of thugs and raiders.
- Anti-Villain: There's a variety of crooks in the gang, and of course some are considerably worse than others. Some of the lighter grey members were sentenced to the camp for skimming medical supplies to sell, being framed for stealing from a casino or being a Cowboy Cop-type sheriff. Additionally, some of them stay only with the gang because they have nowhere else to go and know that, even if they didn't take part in the breakout, they'll be shot on sight because they're all guilty in NCR's eyes.
- Bit-Part Bad Guys: To an extent; they're a mild challenge at first when dynamite is still considered threatening. They never upgrade beyond that. You do. Towards the end of the game, they're not even a speedbump, but you'll still run across them from time to time on the west side, and they'll randomly send hitsquads after you around the Primm area if antagonized. That said, they fare much better then The Jackals, Vipers and Scorpions, since there are a few quests where you either fend off or help the Powder Gangers.
- Curb-Stomp Battle: They end up on the wrong end of this trope if you side with the NCR in 'I Fought the Law', falling easily before the NCR forces sent to retake the facility.
- Even if you side with the Powder Gangers they'll end up on the wrong side of this. You'll really have to get creative and effectively carry them through the battle if you want them to make it through without casualties.
- If they survive said attack, but the player goes on to finish either the NCR or Legion route, said victorious faction will lead an attack on the NCRCF that results in the Powder Gangers getting slaughtered.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Most of the Powder Gangers are weary of Scrambler, and they will warn you not to approach him when he's 'acting up again'.
- Elite Mook: The West Vegas Powder Gangers have noticeably twice as much health as their NCRCF peers, are usually armed with both a melee weapon and a gun, and some members might be armed with energy weapons they presumably gleaned from Vault 13's armory. They're still unlikely to be a match for the player by the time they're encountered, and two of them will usually be found dead at the hands of angry geckos. The Powder Ganger Bodyguards, who noticeably also have twice as much health as the rank and file and are armed with sub-machine guns, remain a more credible threat by the time they're usually encountered in the NCRCF compound, guarding Eddie.
- Genre Blind: They barely tried to fortify the NCRCF building after their breakout weakened the defenses, their guard force was dense enough to let some nameless schmuck run around their bases unmolested after paying a hundred cap toll, and it never occurred to Eddie that hiring said nameless schmuck could potentially (no pun intended) blow up in his face.
- Goldfish Poop Gang: They aren't very comedic, but they are more an annoyance than a true threat.
- The Goomba: The Powder Gangers are weak to an almost pathetic extent (the average Powder Ganger has a mere 40 HP, 5 less then most generic wastelanders), and basically exist to give something for the player to kill in the first few hours of the game.
- Grenade Spam: Dynamite spam, to be more specific. Low-level players beware, as all that dynamite means lots of damage taken and crippled legs.
- A House Divided: There are at least five factions of Powder Gangers, though only one still goes by that title (the others are known simply as 'Escaped Convicts').
- The main group is based in the NCRCF, and is led by a thug called Eddie. They are easily the biggest Powder Ganger group, stretching all across the Mojave Wasteland with several members, including several Powder Ganger camps, Nipton and, depending on Player Choice, Goodsprings among their territory.
- There is also a very small group led by a man named Chavez, which has turned on Eddie and inhabits the gang's southern camp.
- The original leader of the prison break — the anti-NCR rebel Samuel Cooke — has since led a splinter group to set up in Vault 19 and plan further anti-government actions.
- Some of the Vault 19 group, led by small-time thief Philip Lem, are tired of being on the run and want to surrender to the NCR.
- Finally, another group tried to take over the town of Primm and hole up in the Bison Steve Casino. They will always attack you.
- Karma Houdini: If you help them or at least Eddie survive the NCR's assault on the NCRCF Building by killing the NCR troops before they can get to him, and complete the game on the House/Independent route, they'll get away with their actions and go on to continue robbing and killing caravans without any punishment.
- This can also happen very easily with the Vault 19 group as well. Even if you blow up the vault, the epilogue acts as if they're still alive. You can convince most of them to turn themselves in to the NCR by completing Phillip Lem's questline, but doing so will cause Samuel Cooke to leave the group and never be punished for his actions. The only way to avert this trope is by personally killing Cooke yourself.
- No Woman's Land: One can only imagine, based on some comments the gangers make and the fact that they're all escaped convicts, what happens to women caught in their territory all alone. There are no female Powder Gangers, though this is probably justified given that the NCRCF was probably a men's correctional facility.
- Oh, Crap!: If you've killed enough Powder Gangers to have a bad faction reputation with them, Boxcars in Nipton is not happy to see you, referring to you as the Powder Ganger's own personal 'Grim fuckin' Reaper'.
- Pet the Dog:
- Unlike other raiders who will attack you on-sight, the Powder Gangers in the prison won't attack you without provocation and if you have neutral karma with them, the gang members in the camps surrounding the prison will give you a moment to turn back if you run into them, before they attack. As of the final version of the game, they won't attack at all unless you have a poor reputation with them, in which case they will warn you to turn back before attacking, where most other factions shoot without hesitation.
- They also still allow Meyers to hold up in the prison, despite him refusing to take part in their crimes.
- The Rustler: They steal cattle too.
- Starter Villain: The Powder Gangers are the first faction to antagonize the player and the first you see antagonizing innocent people. The final tutorial quest even points you in the direction of defending Goodsprings from a pack of them. Inverted if you instead choose to ally with and help them out.
- The Starscream: Philip Lem, who thinks Cooke will drag the Vault 19 gang to their death and wants to surrender to the NCR before that happens.
- Tempting Fate: Build a prison in a remote and isolated location, fill it with violent criminals, give them access to a large cache of explosives, and then leave the prison undermanned and poorly-equipped to handle a mass break-out. Nope, don't see anything wrong there.
- On top of that, bring a known anarchist who has used explosives before and then, ignore the warden's pleas that said Bomb Throwing Anarchist, has amassed a large following among the prisoners and are acting suspicions.
- Throw Down the Bomblet: Share this gimmick with the Boomers, though to a lesser degree; the Boomers prefer firing explosives via mortars and howitzers, while the Powder Ganger's signature weapon is dynamite, thrown by hand.
- Villain Decay: Early in the game they're pretty dangerous, but they start to lose menace after you see them crucified by Caesar's Legion in Nipton. By the middle of an average playthrough, they cease being a real threat.
- Weapon of Choice: As one can probably tell by their name, they happen to like explosives, specifically dynamite. They also tend to protect their camps with mines.
- Working on the Chain Gang: The origin of the faction; they used the dynamite provided for their work to escape, because duh. 'Chain gangs, basically' is the first thing Trudy has to say when you ask her about them, and likely the first thing you'll hear about them at all.
NCR Correctional Facility
The leader of the Powder Gangers remaining at the NCR Correctional Facility. He's usually hostile to the Courier, but if the player helped the Powder Gangers take over Goodsprings he'll be much more welcoming.
- Arc Villain: He's an important target for an NCR allied Courier as he is in control of one of their prison facilities, otherwise he's just a slightly buffed Powder Ganger with a couple of bodyguards that can be ignored if the player doesn't feel like dealing with him.
- Defiant to the End: He refuses to be taken alive and would rather die fighting the NCR than be captured.
- Jerkass: He's the leader of a group of escaped convicts so this is to be expected.
- Knife Nut: He carries a knife as his melee weapon.
- Orcus on His Throne: He leads the Powder Gangers from the safety of the NCRCF and sends his men or the Courier out to deal with any problems that arise.
- Pet the Dog: If you have good reputation with the Powder Gangers, he'll thank you by giving you free explosive supplies every few days, and he'll also thank you if you save his life during the NCR's attack on the prison by telling you that you can stick around whenever you want.
- Wake-Up Call Boss: Eddie's plasma pistol packs a punch, and he has an entire roomful of bodyguards with armor and SMGs. If you head to the NCRCF facility straight away, he's almost bound to catch you by surprise.
A violent convict who guards Eddie at the NCRCF.
- Ax-Crazy: He's heavily implied to be quite unstable and violent, as he's very upfront about his crimes, and the other Powder Gangers will warn you to stay away from him when he's 'acting up again'.
- Blood Knight: He actually manages to disturb some of the other Powder Gangers.
- The Brute: Scrambler has a 10/10 strength stat and unlike the other gang members, he prefers hand-to-hand combat over guns and explosives.
- The Dragon: To Eddie, the leader of the Powder Gangers at the NCRCF.
- Dumb Muscle: He has a Strength stat of 10 and an Intelligence stat of... 3.
- Eyepatch of Power: He wears an eye patch over his left eye and is the strongest member of the Powder Gangers.
- The Friend Nobody Likes: The rank and file gang members seem to be very afraid of him and if The Courier somehow kills Scrambler without turning the others hostile, they'll even show relief at his absence.
- Psycho Serum: You can find a dose of Psycho on his inventory, which probably goes a long way in explaining what his deal is.
- Would Hurt a Child: He is disturbingly upfront about this:Courier: What did you do to end up in here?
Scrambler: Not much, just killed a bunch of people. Maybe a couple of kids, too. Whatever.

A former medic from the NCR, now serving as a doctor in the Powder Gangers. Before he was a medic or a powder ganger, Hannigan worked as a farmhand, bouncer, a bandit and an NCR trooper. After becoming a medic he was incarcerated for selling NCR medical supplies on the black market. Being a 'doctor', with 6 months of medic training, for the Powder Gangers gives him an excuse to not have to do any fighting because 'The gang can't afford to lose its only doctor'.
- Back-Alley Doctor: He's an escaped convict with only six months of medic training, which still makes him a more qualified doctor than Ada Straus in Novac.
- Cowardly Lion: He Makes it no secret that one of the reasons he's even in the gang is for protection from the wasteland and the reason he chose to become the gang's doctor, is because it gives him an excuse to not risk his life going out on raids with the others.
- Knife Nut: Downplayed. Despite presumably having access to guns and explosives like the other Powder Gangers, Hannigan is only armed with a knife.
- The Medic: His role in the gang.
- Nice Guy/ Token Good Teammate: He's one of the few Powder Gangers that actually seems like a friendly enough guy. His karma is even listed as Neutral, instead of evil like the other Powder Gangers.
Carter is a former casino worker from New Reno that was doing time for robbery during the prison revolt, (though he claims to have been framed by the casino's pit boss) who got a reputation for being able to sneak in contraband, which led to him becoming the gang's sole merchant after they took over the prison.
- Friend in the Black Market: Before the riot he was the man on the inside who could get contraband to his fellow prisoners. Now he serves as the groups only merchant.
- Had to Come to Prison to Be a Crook: He claims to have been an innocent man, before being sent to prison. Though whether this is true or not is hard to say.
- The Scrounger: Carter, the Powder Gangers' trader. As he puts it, he was always the guy who could 'get things' when they were all locked up. Naturally, though, he doesn't have a very impressive selection of wares or a lot of caps to spare.
A former sheriff who was incarcerated for 'speeding up justice' a few times too many. He shows no remorse for what he had to do but would be willing to become the sheriff of Primm, provided he gets a pardon from the NCR government and the ability to run things his way.
- Brutal Honesty: The man says whats on his mind and lets everyone know exactly where they stand with him.
- Cowboy Cop: He is unapologetic for taking the law into his own hands when he was a sheriff for the NCR, claiming it was a necessary part of the job. In his epilogue for Primm, it's noted that while largely fair as a sheriff, occasionally people end up dead with little evidence.
- Disproportionate Retribution: 'Be good, or I'll shoot you dead.'
- Good Is Not Soft: He's a friendly guy and has good intentions, just don't break the law.
- Nice Hat: He wears a Desperado Cowboy Hat.
- Not in This for Your Revolution: He played no part in the prison riots and is not an actual Powder Ganger. The only reason he's staying in the correctional facility is to serve out his sentence properly, which the rest of the gang have no problem with as long as he stays out of their way.
- Token Good Teammate: Well, calling Meyers a teammate at all is kind of stretching it, as he's only part of the gang by virtue of sharing a prison with them and he wants nothing to do with the Powder Gangers crimes, happy to simply wait until the NCR comes back. Though they seem oddly okay with him staying around without helping. Cut content shows that he took other non-Powder Ganger-affiliated inmates who chose to stay around the jail as his deputies if he becomes sheriff of Primm.
An unlucky Powder Ganger who had the misfortune of being in Nipton during the Legion's lottery. He got second place, which means he was allowed to live at the cost of having his legs smashed and crippled.
- Asshole Victim: As horrific as his fate is, he's still an unrepentant Powder Ganger so it might be hard to feel sorry for him. If the Courier feels like it they can just cap him for a small karma boost, though doing so fails the 'Wheel of Fortune' quest.
- Driven to Suicide: Rather than try to make it back to the NCR or wait around to die he requests the Courier give him enough Med-X to overdose on and end his suffering.
- Even Evil Has Standards: He's an escaped convict who was a part of Nipton but he sounds genuinely disgusted when describing what the Legion did to the town.
- Hypocritical Humor: Boxcars can't seem to grasp what your problem with the Powder Gangers is and act like he's an innocent victim. Nevermind that his gang tried to attack the town that saved your life for sheltering a man that killed some Powder Gangers in self-defense.
- Mercy Kill: He'll ask for doses of Med-X for this exact purpose, though the player is free to shoot him in the face at any point if they don't want to give up some of their chem stash.
- Sir Swears-a-Lot: He's an escaped convict who just witnessed all of his buddies get horribly murdered and enslaved and had his legs crippled, so its hard to blame him.
Oliver Swanick
A Powder Ganger who was luckily enough to win the Nipton town lottery and walk away unkilled, enslaved or crippled, a fact that he is VERY excited about.
- Karma Houdini: He's presumably just as vile and decietful as the rest of the town, yet is allowed to walk away as the first place winner of the lottery. Of course, there isn't anything stopping the Courier from popping him one in the skull before they head into Nipton. Plus if you continue to follow him instead of letting him run away and vanish from the game, he'll be killed by nearby enemies.
- Large Ham: You'd think Yuri himself won the Real Life lottery with the performance he gives as Swanick. 'OH MY GOD SMELL THAT AIR! COULDN'T YA JUST DRINK IT LIKE BOOZE?! HA HA HA!' Given what he just walked away from, it's subtly implied to be a coping mechanism meant to deal with what he dealt with before running into the player.
- Sir Swears-a-Lot: Not quite as bad as Boxcars, but he's quite eager to tell you that he 'WON THE MOTHERFUCKING LOTTERY! HA HA HA!'
Joe Cobb
Joe Cobb is the leading member of a small offshoot of Powder Gangers. Their current goal is to comb through Goodsprings to take revenge on Ringo for killing some of his men when they attacked his caravan. Additionally, he and his group are seeking to take over the whole of the town as a source of resources.
- Jerkass: He's not the friendly sort. Your first impression of him (and, by association, the Powder Gangers as a whole) is his arguing with Trudy and threatening Goodsprings in the same breath.
- Pet the Dog: If you help him take Goodsprings, he'll warn you about the escaped convicts that split off from their gang, that will be hostile to you regardless of helping the main group.
- Revolvers Are Just Better: He wields a .357 magnum revolver.
- Scary Black Man: While not as bad as, say, Samuel Cooke or Jean-Baptiste, Joe is the first one who you are meant to deal with.
- Starter Villain: The first major conflict that you face in the game is the enmity between Goodsprings and Joe Cobb's group of Powder Gangers, and no, it can't be peacefully resolved; there will be a gunfight regardless of which groupyou side with.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: Unlike the NCRCF and Vault 19 Powder Gangers, the fate of Joe Cobb's group in Goodsprings should you choose to help them take over the town is never mentioned in the epilogue no matter what faction ending you get. However, the town is mentioned to have been deserted, making it possible that Cobb might have been smart enough to realize that he wouldn't stand a chance against which faction wins the Battle of Hoover Dam {NCR or Legion, not knowing about House or Yes Man} and left the town, taking his gang and the surviving Goodsprings residents with him.
Vault 19
Samuel Cook
A rabid anti-NCR revolutionary who was imprisoned for blowing up NCR caravans, Samuel Cooke is the man who originally orchestrated the revolt at the NCR Correctional Facility, but has split off from the main group of Powder Gangers and journeyed north with his own followers and has taken refuge in the now abandoned Vault 19, where Cooke plans on a large deposit of minerals in the same cave system as the vault to increase their explosive arsenal and join forces with The Great Khans to fight the NCR together. But complications arise when one of the men with him, Philip Lem, decides it's time to throw in the towel and surrender to the NCR, creating a divide in Cookes gang between both men's supporters.
- Bomb-Throwing Anarchists: It's what got him tossed into prison in the first place. The others, however, are just petty thugs.
- Cold-Blooded Torture: If he survives the game with the other Vault 19 Powder Gangers still working for him, the epilogue reveals that he regularly tortures NCR citizens to death
- Even Evil Has Standards: Samuel Cooke is a Bomb Throwing Anarchist in every sense of the words, but even he thinks the Fiends are a pack of strung-out freaks best avoided.
- Eviler Than Thou: Unlike the other Powder Gangers, that seem to be mostly made up of thugs and petty crooks, Cooke is a terrorist who seems to be interested in taking the NCR down a peg for its own sake, instead of wealth and power, or survival like the other gang members. He's also much more sadistic then most of the other Powder Gangers, as revealed in the epilogue if he's still alive and in control of the group.
- Jerkass: Big time.
- Karma Houdini: He will get away with his crimes scott-free unless you decide to kill him yourself.
- Kick the Dog: If you side with Cooke, you'll later find that Lem has been brutally murdered, leaving only a poodle of gore behind. If you confront Cooke about it, he'll admit that he did it.
- Villain Has a Point: Cooke definitely isn't wrong about NCR's ambitions.
- Villain Team-Up: Arguably his alliance with the Great Khans if you choose to side with Cooke.
The Van Graffs
The Van Graff crime family is a large and powerful crime family that grew out of New Reno, and specializes in the weapons trade, specifically energy weapons. For that reason, they are the biggest competition of the Gun Runners, who have so far outmaneuvered them due to superior manufacturing facilities and favor with NCR. They've begun expanding into the Mojave and have set up a business, the Silver Rush, in the ruins of an old casino in Freeside. The current heads of the family are siblings Gloria and Jean-Baptiste Van Graff.
- Affably Evil: They're a fairly friendly and polite group... who are using blackmail, murder, and theft to marginalize the competition and expand their reach and profits.
- All There in the Manual: A lot of their backstory isn't found in-game. The family was formed in New Reno by Tiaret Van Graff, who has ten children, all by different fathers, and uses them as her lieutenants to expand the family business. Gloria and Jean-Baptiste just happen to be the two sent to the Mojave. Jean-Baptiste has his father's name instead of Tiaret's because of the ten fathers of her children, his is the only one she liked.
- Arms Dealer: Their specialty is energy weapons.
- Big, Screwed-Up Family: Gloria implies that the Van Graffs, in addition to their size, aren't exactly the most close-knit or cohesive of families. And that she's glad to be out in New Vegas instead of further west.
- Canon Immigrant: The Van Graffs were first mentioned in the J.E. Sawyer's Fallout Role-Playing Game, and were planned to be in Van Buren before it was canned. This is their first appearance in a canon Fallout game.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: Their business practices are very immoral.
- The Dog Bites Back: The Van Graffs have a nasty habit of murdering their competition and doing whatever they can or want to make a profit. There are not just one, but three potential opportunities for this to bite them in the ass real hard.
- One of the customers you have to pat down for weapons at the start of the Van Graffs quest is a suicide bomber who lost relatives to them. If you let him inside the store, he'll kill the entire group in a massive explosion.
- Then there's the standard way of handling Cass's quest, where she and the Courier kill the Van Graffs and Alice Mclafferty out of revenge for Cass's caravan employees being slaughtered.
- Lastly, if you complete Cass's quest peacefully, but also help Alice sabotage the Gun Runners, she and the Van Graffs will be ambushed and murdered by a 'Raider Group' who are heavily implied to be the Gun Runners seeking vengeance.
- The Dragon: Jean-Baptiste to Gloria. He loves personally doing her dirty work.
- Establishing Character Moment: The first time you enter their store, you interrupt them negotiating with a customer. They execute one of their own employees in order to demonstrate how ruthless they can be.
- Flunky Boss: If you try to kill Gloria and Jean-Baptiste, they'll be backed up by 5 Van Graff thugs (six if you count the doorman) wearing full combat armor and carrying hard hitting plasma rifles. Needless to say, this makes the fight very hard at lower levels.
- For the Evulz: Apparently, this is the motivation for Jean-Baptiste when he executes Cass.
- Frickin' Laser Beams: Their specialty is a variety of laser and plasma weaponry. Gloria personally prefers her men to be armed with plasma rifles for the greater stopping power, but sells both herself.
- Gun Porn: Their store is full of some very cool energy weapons on display. And the best part is you can kill them and take all of it with no repercussions from anyone outside their security team. Killing them and their security team, however...
- Informed Attribute: They're supposedly a much larger and more powerful organization than the player sees. Gloria claims the Van Graffs have the men and arms to field a small army if they needed it.
- King Mook: Jean-Baptiste is a normal Van Graff thug, except he has his health and skills inflated to boss-like levels.
- Legitimate Businessmen's Social Club: They're a crime family masquerading as a legitimate arms business.
- Made of Iron: Jean-Baptiste has good armor and twice as much health as a Companion.
- Meaningful Name: Their name comes from Van de Graaf, a type of electric generator. Appropriate, considering their affinity for energy weapons.
- Oddly Small Organization: Justified, since they are only one chapter of their family organization, which has a much larger presence back west.
- Pragmatic Villainy:
- When you work for them as a door guard, your orders are to be polite but stern to customers, and keep out the riff-raff with non-violent means unless they start a fight. They're in the business of encouraging fights elsewhere, not on their doorstep.
- The reason that they have been secretly working with NCR to take down the Legion isn't because they oppose slavery, but because the NCR's economy is three times larger than the Legion's and therefore pays better. There's also the major fact that Caesar is infamous for pulling a You Have Outlived Your Usefulness on his allies once they're no longer needed, and (unlike Papa Khan or the Omertas) Gloria is smart enough not to imagine that she'd somehow be an exception. Not to mention the Legion's usual approach towards energy weapons.
- Shoplift and Die: Ordinary merchants have themselves and maybe a guard or two on hand. These guys have no less than five heavily armed and armored guards, who will open fire if you so much as take a microfusion cell.
- The Spymaster: After the 1.02 patch, if you solve Cass' quest the peaceful way by turning over evidence of their plot to collaborate with the Crimson Caravan to gain monopoly over all commercial actives in the Mojave to the NCR officials, they will be permanently hostile and shoot you on sight. Most likely because they have informants in the NCR government that informed them of what you did.
- Woman Scorned: Dummied Out dialogue establishes that Gloria was in a relationship with the guy that gets killed by Jean-Baptiste as an 'example'. Despite her warnings to him that she can be a very jealous woman, she caught him being serviced at Gomorrah. She was not pleased.
- Worthy Opponent: The Gun Runners. Which is why Gloria is obligated to obliterate them however she can.
Crimson Caravans
The head of the Crimson Caravan company's branch in New Vegas.
- Affably Evil: She's a friendly old lady, but she's also very amoral and ruthless.
- Bad Boss: If you're incompetent, anyways. At the same time...
- Benevolent Boss: Uphold your contract and work hard, she'll treat you fair. With a little encouragement, she will also let a few things slide in the name of love.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: She may seem nice at first, but she's busy making underground deals to kill off her competition. Literally.
- The Chessmaster: The Van Buren incarnation of 'Ailis' was going to be supplying both sides of the war between the Brotherhood and NCR to make more money and weaken both of them, and had the ultimate plan to take over Hoover Dam and destroy the Brotherhood to make herself a war hero to NCR. Her New Vegas incarnation is only a step or two down, making deals with the Van Graffs for the two to help the other take out their competition.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: Does all sorts of shady and illegal things to one-up or muscle out her competitors, from corporate espionage to outright murder.
- Fate Worse than Death: At the end of Cass's companion quest, the player can convince her that tying Alice and the company up in NCR legal redtape will do far more damage to the company and her than simply shooting her.
- Laser-Guided Karma: Depending on how you go about committing corporate espionage on the Gun Runners for her, she might end up getting killed by 'raiders' using advanced weapons and military tactics. The Gun Runners deny having any public knowledge of the attack.
- Pet the Dog: The Courier can convince her to still pay Janet the wages she's owed despite breaking her contract. One way to do so is to ask her whether she wants to ruin Janet's chance at love. McLaffery grumps about being sentimental, but agrees to pay the owed wages.
- Pragmatic Villainy: While the tasks many of her outside contractors are given are unsafe, Alice notes that they always get paid well for their efforts — you don't build a thriving business as a cheat who goes back on deals. She also notes that the only one that is straight-up immoral/illegal— committing industrial espionage on the Gun Runners— is strictly optional, and there is no penalty or reprisal for Couriers who refuse it.
Ringo is a trader for the Crimson Caravan Company hiding out in the abandoned gas station in Goodsprings after his caravan was sacked by Powder Gangers. By the time you find him, it's clear that he's considered a thorn in the side of Goodsprings due to being harassed by the Powder Gangers who are trying to find him, in revenge for him killing some of their members trying to escape from them.
- Because You Were Nice to Me: Not only will he pay you what funds he has on him when you save him, but once you reach the Crimson Caravan's New Vegas HQ, he'll give you even more money.
- Mr. Exposition: He serves a sort of brief titular on the in-universe card game 'Caravan'.
- Nice Guy: Once you get past the whole itchy trigger finger that comes with having men out trying to kill you thing, he's a real friendly sort, even offering to play a hand of cards with you. If you save him, he'll insist on paying you what ever he can, even if you try to turn him down.
Voiced by: Gregory Alan WillaimsA Crimson Caravan merchant who works at the company outpost on the outskirts of New Vegas and sells everything from junk to weapons to obscure books on medicine. If you need or want something there's a good chance he'll have it in stock somewhere.
- Only Sane Man: He's the only member of the Crimson Caravan Company without some huge problem or flaw to deal with. His boss Alice is engaging in shady business practices and corporate espionage that might leave her dead, Ringo got himself into trouble with the Powder Gangers and can end up dead if the Courier sides with Job Cobb, Janet has fallen madly in love with a Boomer boy and can be killed trying to enter their base without proper identification, Don Hostetler is cheating on his wife with his secretary and is involved in the Great Khan drug trade and, lastly, Henry Jamison is a spoiled brat with a gambling addiction who only got his position through nepotism. In comparison, Blake's just a normal guy who got tired of boring country life and headed for the frontier.
- Small Town Boredom: If the player asks him about himself he'll mention that he comes from a small farming settlement called Oak Creek. Since he didn't want to herd brahmin for the rest of his life he signed onto the Crimson Caravan Company and ended up where he is now.
Voiced by: Courtenay TaylorJack's love interest who works at the Crimson Caravan Company. When not working she spends her time looking through he binoculars at Nellis Air Force Base in the hopes of catching a glimpse of her love. With the Courier's help she can finally meet Jack in person and begin having a proper relationship with him... or get blown to pieces after being tricked into walking inside the boomer killzone.
- Star-Crossed Lovers: With Jack.
State of Utobitha
The State of Utobitha is Super Mutant and Nightkin 'nation' located in the irradiated ruins of the Black Mountain Satellite Instillation. It originated as Marcus's first attempt to build a settlement where he and the other mutants could live in peace, but the disagreements with the more aggressively anti-human Tabitha, as well as her Nightkin and Gen 2 Super Mutant followers lead to Marcus and most of the Super Mutant still loyal to him being pushed out and Tabitha establishing her own little nation in Black Mountain, where she broadcasts her mad ramblings for her followers and any nearby humans to hear, and the Super Mutants under her command can attack any humans unfortunate enough to wander by without repercussion.
- Egopolis: It's ruled by Tabitha, who of course names it after herself.
- Enemy Civil War: It's possible to trigger one between the Nightkin and the Gen 2 Super Mutants, by convincing Tabitha over a Ham Radio, that the Super Mutants are a threat to her.
- Fantastic Racism: Other then the Mutant's disdain for humans, the Nightkin (or at least Tabitha) think of themselves as superior to the Gen 2 Super Mutants, who they refer to a 'dumb-dumbs'.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Tabitha is hammy, Ax-Crazy, and prone to flying off the handle, while Rhonda is the more levelheaded co-host who tries to downplay Tabitha's outbursts and keep the conversation on track. Subverted when it turns out the Rhonda we hear is just Tabitha talking to herself. Double-subverted when the real Rhonda is revealed to be a robot who keeps Tabitha stable.
- Token Good Teammate: Neil, a Super Mutant still loyal to Marcus that was left behind to keep tabs on Tabitha and the others, is the only Super Mutant left at Black Mountain that won't attack you on sight, but still seems to be accepted, if only barely by the rest of the mutants.
The hilariously insane super mutant leader of the 'State of Utobitha' stationed at Black Mountain.
- And the Adventure Continues: If the Courier manages to reactivate Rhonda, Tabitha and the robot will go on adventures deep within Legion territory. Tales of their exploits will entertain children for years to come.
- Anti-Villain: The Woobie variety as most of her... eccentricities stem from her Stealth-Boy-induced insanity.
- Ax-Crazy: She's only slightly more sane than the super mutants in DC.
- Cloud Cuckoolander: Maybe even a little Crazy Awesome.
- Everyone Has Standards: Even she's afraid of the Legion, or the 'battle cattle' as she calls them. But don't say that to her face, and don't express your own fear of them as well.
- Faux Affably Evil: She is Ax-Crazy and has been raiding cattle convoys.
- Just the First Citizen: Her position in the State of Utobitha is 'Best Friend Tabitha'.
- Harmless Villain: Other than broadcasting her own particular brand of crazy over radio for anyone to hear, Tabitha is mostly content to remain in Black Mountain without causing any trouble for the rest of the Mojave Wasteland (although it's mentioned during the Jacobstown quest that her super mutants have been raiding NCR cattle convoys).
- Hypocritical Humor: She's often frustrated by the stupidity of the 'dumb-dumb' Super Mutants, but honestly isn't all that bright either.
- I Resemble That Remark!: '[Humans] have a hard lot in life. Which may explain why they're so IRRITABLE ALL THE TIME!'
- Freudian Slip: During one of her broadcasts where she talks about centaurs:'Rhonda': We're back with Best Friend Tabitha, who was telling us why humans should STAY THE HELL AWAY, err, keep their distance from the State of Utobitha.
- Funny Schizophrenia: Unlike Lily or Dog/God, her insanity is 100% Played for Laughs.
- Large Ham: So much that she has her own...
- Large Ham Radio: And you can hear it.
- Laughably Evil: As violent and crazy as she is, her radio show is hilariously entertaining.
- Living Emotional Crutch: Rhonda was hers. Marcus notes that she only really started losing it once Rhonda got damaged and shut down.
- Ms. Exposition: Listening to her radio station can provide insight (albeit of a heavily slanted nature) on the history of the Super Mutants for those unfamiliar with the first game.
- Pet the Dog:
- Done offscreen, but she did save Mean Sonofabitch years ago while he was being tortured by NCR troopers.
- If you fix Rhonda she sincerely thanks you, rewards you for your help and leaves without a fight.
- Punctuated! For! Emphasis!: 'CENTAURS! EAT! HUMANS, RHONDA!'
- Robosexual: It's never brought up explicitly, but part of Tabitha's backstory is that she fell in love with Rhonda, the disabled Mr. Handy. This would also technically make her a lesbian. Though hilariously Rhonda always has a male voice.
- Sitcom Arch-Nemesis: Raul, who she threatens to execute every day, only to decided against it since he hasn't oulived his usefulness yet. If you never rescued Raul or dealt with Tabitha, the ending shows this is still going on long past the Courier's victory.
- Small Name, Big Ego: As the leader of the 'State of Utobitha'.
- The Starscream: To Marcus, who she kicked out of Black Mountain before the events of the game.
- Talking to Themself: Her radio show with 'Rhonda'. This only becomes apparent when you find out that Rhonda is a Mr. Handy robot and currently deactivated, while 'Rhonda's' voice on the radio is clearly that of a Super mutant. Several broadcasts also reveal this, although it's difficult to spot unless you know the secret beforehand. Raoul catches himself nearly addressing 'Rhonda' as Tabitha, Tabitha's 'Rhonda' voice slips when she gets upset... and at one point, she tells Rhonda that she misses her every day. On some level, she's aware of the truth.
- Villains Out Shopping: Though she leads an armed militia of hostile Super Mutants, she otherwise spends most of her time airing music and hosting her own radio talk show.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Wants to do this with Raul, only for him to remind her that he hasn't outlived his usefulness.
Rhonda was Tabitha's robot and best friend before the super mutants came to Black Mountain. At some point, Rhonda became deactivated and was left inside the Storage Building, inadvertently causing Tabitha's mental and emotional deterioration, that lead to taking over Black Mountain and broadcasting her little radio show with her imaginary substitute of Rhonda.
- Living Emotional Crutch: To Tabitha, who has developed a split personality version of Rhonda to fill the void left, after Rhonda was deactivated.
- Morality Pet: To Tabitha, who decides to leave Black Mountain peacefully if Courier Six revives Rhonda and reunites them.
- Robot Buddy: Again, to Tabitha.
- Satellite Character: Rhonda isn't really given any characterization, beyond being Tabitha's friend and being potential tool in solving the situation on Black Mountain peacefully. Possibly justified, as Rhonda is still just a Mr. Handy that likely isn't programmed to want anything more, than being by its master's side.
- Undying Loyalty: The first thing Rhonda does upon being reactivated, is ask where Tabitha is, and if the player had already killed her at that point, Rhonda will become hostile.
See Companions.
Minor Gangs
One of the three tribes, made out of the four groups to leave Vault 15, they used to be a feared tribe in the west, until battles with the NCR reduced them to a small band of opportunistic bandits.
- All There in the Manual: Pretty much all of their backstory.
- The Beastmaster: Similar to the vipers and the mole rats they share they bases with the giant preying mantis.
- Bit-Part Bad Guys: They fair somewhat better than the Powder Gang, but arguably still fall into this.
- Cannibal Clan: Basically.
- Dirty Coward: They are considered this by other factions, due to their dishonorable tactics. Though gameplay-wise, this is mostly an Informed Attribute.
- Fantastic Racism: They apparently hate mutants, because they taste bad...
- A House Divided: Like Powder Gangers. They are informally organized into small family groups which sometimes fight among themselves.
- How the Mighty Have Fallen: Like the Vipers, they used to be a force to be reckoned with, until warfare with the NCR reduced them to scattered 'families' of bandits.
- I'm a Humanitarian: They became cannibals, after a harsh winter that hit the original vault dwellers, forced them into eating their dead to survive.
'The Scorpions hang out at the Monte Carlo when they aren't slinging chems or getting their heads blown off by the Fiends.'
A relativity small gang of raiders led by a woman named Yvette that attack travelers and frequently harass the nearby town of Westside, as well as getting into fairly one-sided fights with the Fiends.
- Bit-Part Bad Guys: By the time you're most likely to see them, they probably won't even be a threat, unless you decide to storm their base unprepared.
- Boisterous Weakling: They think they're a powerful gang, but as stated by an NPC, they get their heads blown off whenever they go up against the nearby Fiends, who are armed with laser weaponry. The Scorpions are armed with 10mm pistols and submachine guns or sawed-off shotguns or carry switchblades and lead pipes. The best they have is a Ripper.
- Dirty Coward: Some of them will hide while the player kills their fellow gang members.
- Drugs Are Bad: It's not much compared to the Great Khans, but they do have a drug business on the side.
- Private Military Contractor: They wish they were! They try to pass themselves off as mercenaries, but they can't handle anything in the Wasteland and no one is stupid enough to hire them.
- The Scapegoat: A quest concerning a water supply to Westside turns out to have involved an ex-Follower of the Apocalypse killing an NCR soldier. You have the option to pin the blame for it on the Scorpions.
- Wacky Wayside Tribe: They have no bearing on the plot whatsoever. note
One of the three tribes, made out of the four groups to leave Vault 15, they used to be a feared tribe in the west, until battles with the Brotherhood of Steel reduced them to a small band of opportunistic bandits. Unlike other raider bands, they have a defined culture and religion.
- All There in the Manual: Pretty much all of their backstory.
- The Beastmaster: They seem to have developed some sort of alliance with the native mole rats, with whom they share overlapping territory. Supplementary material has also mentioned them taming or having some sort of control over snakes.
- Bit-Part Bad Guys: Like the Jackals above.
- Took a Level in Badass: At higher levels, they will start carrying grenade launchers.
- Bullying the Dragon: They really shouldn't have picked a fight with the Brotherhood.
- Elite Mook: The Gunslinger.
- Heavily Armored Mook: They'll occasionally wear Metal Armour.
- How the Mighty Have Fallen: Like the Jackals, they used to be a force to be reckoned with, until warfare with the Brotherhood reduced them to scattered 'families' of bandits.
- Not Worth Killing: According to supplementary materials, their conflict with the Brotherhood went nowhere for a long time because the enormous disparity in power meant the Vipers couldn't manage to kill anyone, and the Brotherhood didn't consider them worth actively fighting against. This changed when during one skirmish the poisoned blade from a Viper managed to just scratch one Brotherhood member, who then succumbed to the poison. The Brotherhood responded with a Curb-Stomp Battle.
- Religion of Evil: They are revealed through the supplementary material to be the decedents of a viper worshiping cult. The details are here